Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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The Greatest Prayer Request

Luke 11:13
What is the greatest prayer request? While we can pray about anything there is something that Christ teaches is the thing the Father most desires to give us. Discover what it is and you will have found the way to answered prayer.
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God Is Good All The Time

Luke 11:11-13
When we pray we must always remember that we are talking to the Heavenly Father who loves us perfectly. He wants more for us than we could want for ourselves! Believe in the goodness of God and lay hold on it in prayer.
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Don’t Stop

Luke 11:7-10
Perserverance in prayer is one of the keys to answered prayer. Have you given up on some thing or someone? God says, "Pray without ceasing." In Jesus' story we find the open secret to open blessing.
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When God Brings You To Nothing

Luke 11:6
"I have nothing." This is the essence of true prayer. Learn to recognize your deficiency and desperation as the starting point of real prayer. We need God!
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Praying For Others

Luke 11:6
The spiritual work of prayer often reveals the selfish nature of us all. Our prayers center on us. Only when we learn to pray for others do we truly see God open the door to His presence and blessings.
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What An Opportunity!

Luke 11:5
Prayer is not convincing God to do what He is unwilling to do. Instead, it is a conversation with a Friend, the greatest Friend a man ever had. This Friend is waiting to hear from you today. Begin to talk to Him.
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Keys To The Open Door

Luke 11:5-10
Heaven's door is opened by prayer. Amazingly, the Father has given us the keys! Through Christ we have access, authority, and ability to commune with God. Are you using the keys of prayer?
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Dealing With My Sin

Luke 11:4
You cannot pray effectively or live victoriously with unconfessed, unforsaken sin. Right prayer always leads to repentance. Learn how to get right and stay right with God and others.
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Praying for Daily Needs

Luke 11:3
We all have daily needs. God has provided prayer as the way to see those daily needs met. One of the most famous verses in the Bible will help us learn to pray about our own needs without becoming selfish.
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Where True Prayer Begins

Luke 11:2
Do you simply bring your wants to God or do you bring worship? Real prayer begins in His holy presence. Worship purifies every other request and desire. In today's study we find the secret of "thy."
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Learning To Talk To Your Father

Luke 11:2
Prayer is not a formality, it is a family conversation! True communion with God is based on a relationship. Learn to enjoy time with the Heavenly Father!
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The Lesson We Must Learn Again and Again

Luke 11:2-4
"Lord, teach us to pray!" Throughout life the Lord Jesus Christ brings us back to basics. We need to pray. We need set times to pray. We need God.
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Keeping Prayer Fresh

Luke 11:2-4
Prayer can become so mechanical and mundane. Do you say the same words over and over with very little meaning? The model prayer is not something to pray as a ritual but a reminder to keep your praying fresh!
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In Christ’s Classroom

Luke 11:1
Are you hungry to learn? Do you want to grow? Only those who are willing to be taught, and willing to obey, can learn Christ's lessons on prayer.
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Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Luke 11:1
Dr. Luke teaches us the power of prayer in his gospel record. Some things can't be accomplished by man. Some truths can't be taught by schools. We must learn to pray from the greatest Instructor of all time!

Your Decision About Alcohol

1 Corinthians 10:31
Every person must choose for themselves what they will put into their body and how they will live. The one thing you cannot choose is the consequences. One simple test will help you to make a wise decision on this and other issues.

The Distraction of Alcohol

Proverbs 31:4-7
Throughout the Bible God commands those who desire holiness to abstain from alcohol. This is not just for leaders; this is for all of Christ's followers who want to avoid the distractions of this world. Everyone gives their strength to something. It is tragic to give your strength to something that will only make you weak.

The Description of Alcohol

Proverbs 23:29-35
This passage provides one of the most vivid descriptions anywhere of what is commonly referred to as a "hangover." See what the world calls "addiction" from the viewpoint of God. Some things never change.

The Destruction of Alcohol

Proverbs 21:17; 23:20-21
You do not consume alcohol—it consumes you. Fermented drinks take from lives, families, and society much more than they could ever give. Look hard at the effects and choose a different path.

The Deception of Alcohol

Proverbs 20:1
Alcohol, like Satan and all of his temptations, promises what it cannot fulfill. It lies and laughs at those who believe its lies. A man who loved wine tells his story. Solomon filled himself with strong drink and found it to be an empty way to live.
Journeying with John the Baptist, the life of John the Baptist

Learning to Rest in the Lord

Matthew 11:1-6
We finish our journey with John the Baptist and discover truths from his last days. We all have our disappointments and questions when things do not turn out as we hoped. Yet God's Word reveals in the response of John the Baptist the way to finish well. You cannot choose your circumstances but you must choose your reponse.
Journeying with John the Baptist, the life of John the Baptist

Listening To God

Matthew 11:1-6
Today we continue our study of the closing chapter of John the Baptist's life. We all have our disappointments and questions when things do not turn out as we hoped. Yet God's Word reveals in the response of John the Baptist the way to finish well. You cannot choose your circumstances but you must choose your reponse.
Journeying with John the Baptist, the life of John the Baptist

Tell It To Jesus

Matthew 11:1-6
Today we continue our study of the closing chapter of John the Baptist's life. We all have our disappointments and questions when things do not turn out as we hoped. Yet God's Word reveals in the response of John the Baptist the way to finish well. You cannot choose your circumstances but you must choose your reponse.
Journeying with John the Baptist, the life of John the Baptist

The First Martyr

Matthew 11:1-6
The first witness became the first martyr. We all have our disappointments and questions when things do not turn out as we hoped. Yet God's Word reveals in the response of John the Baptist the way to finish well. You cannot choose your circumstances but you must choose your reponse.