Daily Broadcast
True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…
Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

Journeying Through Zephaniah
May 16, 2018
Zephaniah 3:17
Only God can turn bitterness to blessing. Find out today what makes God sing and how you can have your own song restored!
Only God can turn bitterness to blessing. Find out today what makes God sing and how you can have your own song restored!

Journeying Through Habakkuk
May 15, 2018
Habakkuk 2:4
Are you overwhelmed by things you can't understand? Do you long to see God intervene? Habakkuk understood that, and he gives to us the principle to victory and joy in the midst of trouble.
Are you overwhelmed by things you can't understand? Do you long to see God intervene? Habakkuk understood that, and he gives to us the principle to victory and joy in the midst of trouble.

Journeying Through Nahum
May 14, 2018
Nahum 1:8-9
Ninevah, Take 2. This city shows us both God's mercy and God's judgment. We must choose which we want for our own lives and nation.
Ninevah, Take 2. This city shows us both God's mercy and God's judgment. We must choose which we want for our own lives and nation.

Journeying Through Micah
May 11, 2018
Micah 6:8
"What does God want from me anyway?" Today's study will answer that from God's Word. Meet the preacher who was willing to speak truth to power.
"What does God want from me anyway?" Today's study will answer that from God's Word. Meet the preacher who was willing to speak truth to power.

Journeying Through Jonah
May 10, 2018
Jonah 2:9
Our job is to tell others what we have heard from God. Anything less is disobedience. Hear what Jesus had to say about Jonah, and what He is trying to say to you!
Our job is to tell others what we have heard from God. Anything less is disobedience. Hear what Jesus had to say about Jonah, and what He is trying to say to you!

Journeying Through Obadiah
May 9, 2018
Obadiah 15
Nothing is more ugly or destructive than pride. It leads to so much more and it always ends in tragedy. Walk through Petra and witness what God does to those who will not humble themselves.
Nothing is more ugly or destructive than pride. It leads to so much more and it always ends in tragedy. Walk through Petra and witness what God does to those who will not humble themselves.

Journeying Through Amos
May 8, 2018
Amos 4:12
God deals with sin wherever He finds it. He especially hates it among the people that He loves so much. Amos pulls out God's measuring stick and helps us to examine ourselves by His standard.
God deals with sin wherever He finds it. He especially hates it among the people that He loves so much. Amos pulls out God's measuring stick and helps us to examine ourselves by His standard.

Journeying Through Joel
May 7, 2018
Joel 2:13
Judgment is coming! It may be sooner than you think. Joel teaches us how to prepare and how to live today on the edge of eternity.
Judgment is coming! It may be sooner than you think. Joel teaches us how to prepare and how to live today on the edge of eternity.

Journeying Through Hosea
May 4, 2018
Hosea 14:9
One of the saddest family stories becomes the stage for one of the most beautiful pictures of perservering love. You will see yourself in the personal and national struggle Hosea faced. More than that, you will see God's unfailing love.
One of the saddest family stories becomes the stage for one of the most beautiful pictures of perservering love. You will see yourself in the personal and national struggle Hosea faced. More than that, you will see God's unfailing love.

Journeying Through Daniel
May 3, 2018
Daniel 2:22
God is up to something! In the midst of darkness He is bringing us light. He did it for Daniel and He will do it for you.
God is up to something! In the midst of darkness He is bringing us light. He did it for Daniel and He will do it for you.

Journeying Through Ezekiel
May 2, 2018
Ezekiel 1:28
Ezekiel saw visions of God. Sitting in circumstances that were less than desirable he set his sights on the glory of God. It is time to look away from disappointments and failures and look to the Lord who alone can change it all.
Ezekiel saw visions of God. Sitting in circumstances that were less than desirable he set his sights on the glory of God. It is time to look away from disappointments and failures and look to the Lord who alone can change it all.

Journeying Through Lamentations
May 1, 2018
Lamentations 3:22-24
Is your heart broken? Do you know someone with a broken heart? God steps into brokenness. Discover the story behind this unique book and the message of hope found right in the middle.
Is your heart broken? Do you know someone with a broken heart? God steps into brokenness. Discover the story behind this unique book and the message of hope found right in the middle.

Journeying Through Jeremiah
April 30, 2018
Jeremiah 7:28
You can tell a lot about a man by what makes him sad and what makes him glad. Jeremiah is proof that when you get close to God you catch His heart. Today we learn how to both weep and rejoice over that which is important to God.
You can tell a lot about a man by what makes him sad and what makes him glad. Jeremiah is proof that when you get close to God you catch His heart. Today we learn how to both weep and rejoice over that which is important to God.

Journeying Through Isaiah
April 27, 2018
Isaiah 53:5
Imagine seeing God seated on His throne! Then imagine seeing the wounded Christ standing next to Him! That was what Isaiah saw and what He wants us to see. This vision changes a man forever.
Imagine seeing God seated on His throne! Then imagine seeing the wounded Christ standing next to Him! That was what Isaiah saw and what He wants us to see. This vision changes a man forever.

Journeying Through Song of Solomon
April 26, 2018
Song of Solomon 6:3
God reveals both marital and spiritual intimacy in this amazing book of the Bible. The love of God will transform both your heart and your home. Today's study will help us to get a fresh glimpse of the God who IS love.
God reveals both marital and spiritual intimacy in this amazing book of the Bible. The love of God will transform both your heart and your home. Today's study will help us to get a fresh glimpse of the God who IS love.

Journeying Through Ecclesiastes
April 25, 2018
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
Life is empty apart from God. Allow an old man to tell you about his regrets and the only fulfillment he ever found! Solomon can testify that the only things that matter in the end are the only things that matter today.
Life is empty apart from God. Allow an old man to tell you about his regrets and the only fulfillment he ever found! Solomon can testify that the only things that matter in the end are the only things that matter today.

Journeying Through Proverbs
April 24, 2018
Proverbs 1:7
This book provides Heaven's wisdom for every part of life on earth. Discover the key that unlocks God's wsdom for living. Your whole life depends on it.
This book provides Heaven's wisdom for every part of life on earth. Discover the key that unlocks God's wsdom for living. Your whole life depends on it.

Journeying Through Psalms
April 23, 2018
Psalm 29:2
Learning to worship God is learning how to bring every experience and emotion in life into the presence of God. This is not done only on Sunday - it must be done every day. The Psalms can help! Allow this book to guide your prayer and praise through all the stages of life.
Learning to worship God is learning how to bring every experience and emotion in life into the presence of God. This is not done only on Sunday - it must be done every day. The Psalms can help! Allow this book to guide your prayer and praise through all the stages of life.

Journeying Through Job
April 20, 2018
Job 42:1-6
"Why?" It is the question we all ask and no one can adequately answer. No one can explain every bad thing. The secret to joy and strenght in the midst of suffering is to recognize the presence of God in the perplexities of life. Allow Job to tell his story and don't miss the ending!
"Why?" It is the question we all ask and no one can adequately answer. No one can explain every bad thing. The secret to joy and strenght in the midst of suffering is to recognize the presence of God in the perplexities of life. Allow Job to tell his story and don't miss the ending!

Journeying Through Esther
April 19, 2018
Esther 4:14
The name of God is not found in this book, but His hand is unmistakable! In one of the most difficult situations we learn how to both rest in the providence of God and do our part.
The name of God is not found in this book, but His hand is unmistakable! In one of the most difficult situations we learn how to both rest in the providence of God and do our part.

Journeying Through Nehemiah
April 18, 2018
Nehemiah 2:5
There is a work to do in our homes, churches, and nation. Sin's work is destruction; God's work is construction. In Nehemiah we learn the principles of building up that which has been broken down.
There is a work to do in our homes, churches, and nation. Sin's work is destruction; God's work is construction. In Nehemiah we learn the principles of building up that which has been broken down.

Journeying Through Ezra
April 17, 2018
Ezra 1:5
The first step to rebuilding is returning. Is there a way back to God? By His grace, there is. Returning to the Lord in the message of Ezra.
The first step to rebuilding is returning. Is there a way back to God? By His grace, there is. Returning to the Lord in the message of Ezra.