Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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Journeying Through 2 Kings

2 Kings 10:10
Wise people understand the consequences of disobedience. It is much easier to learn this from the failure of others than to experience it for yourself. The illustrations in the kings provides instruction for each of us.
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Journeying Through 1 Kings

1 Kings 2:12
Every man must choose between wisdom and folly. Solomon and his son are a reminder to choose very carefully. What you decide in your own heart will affect you home for generations to come.
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Journeying Through 2 Samuel

2 Samuel 5:12
Life is full of victories and defeats. Every believer deals with both triumph and tragedy. The life of David gives help you deal with the times of success and the seasons of failure.
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Journeying Through 1 Samuel

1 Samuel 10:25
In this book you will meet the prophet Samuel and the first two kings of Israel. More importantly, you will see the kind of man that God is looking for, the kind that He can bless and use - the man after God's own heart.
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Journeying Through Ruth

Ruth 4:14
You have to experience the grace of God for yourself. This short book tells the story of God's grace on both a wayward believer and an unbeliever. Whoever you are, and whatever your spiritual need, the grace of God is enough.
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Journeying Through Judges

Judges 21:25
Judges paints a vivid and painful picture of the results of rebellion. The cycles in Israel are repeated again and again in all of society and our own lives. This book warns us by showing the consequences of sin.
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Journeying Through Joshua

Joshua 1:7-8
Have you entered in to all that God has for you? Joshua teaches us how to claim through faith and obedience all that God has prepared. This book shows us the way to victory.
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Journeying Through Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 6:4-7
God repeats Himself because we are so prone to forget! Deuteronomy was given to remind God's people of who He was and what He desired for them. In this book we learn to get past our past and ready for our future.
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Journeying Through Numbers

Numbers 33:1
Every story given in Scripture serves as an example for us. Through both positive and negative examples in Israel we learn the importance of believing and obeying God. Our journey is to be a journey of faith and obedience.
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Journeying Through Leviticus

Leviticus 19:2
God is holy, and He desires for His people to be a holy people. Leviticus teaches us the importance of a life of holiness. It is the very life of the holy God being lived through us!
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Journeying Through Exodus

Exodus 12:23
As we journey through Exodus we discover the power of divine redemption. Only God is able, and willing, to bring us out of the bondage of sin and into true liberty and life.
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Journeying Through Genesis

Genesis 1:1
The Creator God is the God of new beginnings. In Genesis we meet the Lord who is able to speak and bring light out of darkness, perfection out of emptyness, order out of chaos. Begin again with God today!
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Charting a Course Through the Old Testament

1 Corinthians 10:6
The Old Testament lays the foundation for the New Testament and for all that we know about God. Begin where God begins to reveal Himself. Give attention to the 39 books of the Old Testament!
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A Journey Through Scripture

Matthew 4:4
All of God's Word is inspired and profitable - even the portions that we are not familiar with! Today's episode previews a new series that will journey through Scripture. In this study we will briefly visit every book of the Bible and discover that each holds daily direction for our lives.

A Revival of Bible Reading, Part 5

Revelation 1:1-3
In the last book of the Bible we are given a lasting encouragment for reading God's Word. The generation living on the edge of eternity should be most concerned about what the Scriptures have to say. Determine to have a personal revival of Bible reading today!

A Revival of Bible Reading, Part 4

1 Timothy 4:13-16
Learn 7 helpful ways to get the most from your reading of God's Word. As you give yourself to God's Word, He gives you all that you need for daily living.

A Revival of Bible Reading, Part 3

1 Timothy 4:12-13
God's Word is the vehicle that carries us to where we need to be. As we read the Scriptures the Holy Spirit begins to transform us into the believer He saved us to become.

A Revival of Bible Reading, Part 2

Matthew 19:4
Jesus taught that the great questions of life would be answered by simply reading the written Word of God. Have you read His Word lately?

A Revival of Bible Reading, Part 1

Habakkuk 2:1-2
God has written a book! As we read the Word of God we find the wisdom and strength to take the next step. Discover the power of Bible reading again.

Making the Most of Every Day

Psalm 118:24
Every day is a gift from God, and every day must be given to Him. Learn biblical principles to make each day count.

Ordinary Days

Psalm 118:24
Men are remembered for their extraordinary days, but they are made on their ordinary ones. There are no unimportant days for a follower of Christ. God never wastes a day and neither should His children.

Daily Ministry

James 2:14-18
In the last use of the word "daily" in God's Word we are reminded of our lasting work. Every day we are to seek to minister to the needs around us. The daily Christian life is not something you keep to yourself - it is something you share.

Daily Fellowship

Hebrews 3:13
We need one another! Christ designed the Christian life to be lived in union with Him and other member of His body. Discover the joy of daily fellowship and the power of encouragement.

Daily Witness

Acts 5:42
Every day is an opportunity for us to share the gospel. "Behold, now is the day of salvation." Today could be the day that you have the joy of bringing some soul to Jesus! Determine to give a daily witness.