Daily Worship (Daily Living – Part 1) January 21, 2016

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Some things must be done every day to sustain life. This is as true in the spiritual realm as it is in the physical. The Christian life cannot be lived on Sunday alone any more than the body could feed or rest only one day a week. It must be daily.

Over the next few weeks I plan to share a series of articles on the daily disciplines of the Christian life. (Read the introductory post here.) I begin this new series of posts with one of the daily truths that God has deeply impressed on me in recent days – the necessity of Daily Worship.

Worship is a most misunderstood thing in our world. Perhaps it has always been. Man defines such words far different from divine definitions. In our society worship has become something that is done during a designated hour each week. It is a public matter. A group sport.

I am grateful for the opportunity that God’s people have to gather together. In Scripture there is evidence of corporate worship. Yet we must always remember that worship is not for spectators. Worship is the individual heart attitude toward God! It is the awe of a single soul at the glory of God. It is the giving of praise and honor to the only One who is worthy of it. Corporate worship is only accomplished when many people are each giving true, individual worship to God.

Now for a shocker: I don’t go to church meetings primarily to worship. I go to be exhorted and to exhort others (Hebrews 10:25).

A man once said to me, “I don’t go to church. I like to worship God out in the woods and in the mountains.” While I imagine that his idea of worship and mine are different, I responded, “Me too! I love to worship God walking through the woods. I don’t go to church  for that reason either.” (The man needed to attend church as much as we all do. The reality is that most people don’t even know why they go to church.)

It is wonderful when worship takes place while we are assembled together, but the reality is that worship can take place anywhere! Believers cannot exhort one another when they are alone, but worship can be offered when no one else is around. In fact, that is the most wonderful place to worship! You and the Lord alone.

I would like to suggest to you that God wants daily worship. He deserves daily worship. And daily worship is the most wonderful privilege of the Christian life!

Psalm 95: 6-7 declares, “O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker. For he is our God; and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. To day if ye will hear his voice…

God always intended worship to be a daily practice. Worship today.

No longer do we have to make a journey to a specified location. It is not the location of your body but the preparation of your heart that is essential (John 4:20-24). No priest must be present – our Great High Priest is ever present! You may come into His presence where you are.

You do not rush in to worship, and once there you will not want to rush out. It takes time to prepare your soul and to center your thoughts on God alone. But when you enter His presence there is no joy in this world like it!

“One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple” (Ps. 27:4).

The last book of the Bible leaves us with this powerful admonition: “Worship God” (Rev. 22:9). We will worship Him continually throughout eternity. Wouldn’t it be good if we were in that practice now every day?

Daily Challenge: For the next week set aside some time each day for personal, private worship. Make it a daily matter…and start today.

(Don’t miss the next article in this series. Sign up to follow “Enjoying the Journey” to receive email notifications of each post. Thanks for taking time to read. I would love to hear from you about the daily work God is doing in your own life!)

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  1. Julianna Morlan on January 22, 2016 at 1:08 AM

    Thank you, Mr. Pauley! We look forward to reading more! Praying for you and your family!

    • Scott Pauley on January 22, 2016 at 8:41 AM

      Thanks for taking time to read. Great to hear from you. Please tell everyone hello for us!

  2. thephillipsinasia on January 22, 2016 at 3:14 AM

    Reblogged this on Sojourner in Asia.

  3. David Young on January 22, 2016 at 9:00 AM

    hank you brother Pauly. I sure needed this for today.Truly this is of God.I love Him so much. God is good all ther time and worthy to be worshiped every day not just on Sunday. Thank you.

    On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 8:55 PM, Enjoying the Journey wrote:

    > Scott Pauley posted: “Some things must be done every day to sustain life. > This is as true in the spiritual realm as it is in the physical. The > Christian life cannot be lived on Sunday alone any more than the body could > feed or rest only one day a week. It must be daily. Over ” >

    • Scott Pauley on January 22, 2016 at 3:06 PM

      Thank you for reading! God bless you, my friend.

  4. Roslyn McLean on January 23, 2016 at 12:51 PM

    I don’t know if I can say this without people misunderstanding!!! Worship can become almost addictive!!!!! You love being in his presence so much, that you almost lose a desire for this present world!!! What keeps me here I think is his love for this world and Him needing me to carry his love back to it!!!!! Especially telling the lost about Christ’s free gift of salvation for them!!!!! I love you Lord and treasure the day when I can live in your presence forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Kayla Goodman on February 2, 2016 at 4:01 PM

    Thanks for this . I needed it.

    • Scott Pauley on February 10, 2016 at 4:39 PM

      Thanks for taking time to read. God bless you!

  6. Nolan Wynn on February 15, 2016 at 6:35 PM

    Bro. Pauley,
    Thank you for the new Blog! You have been a great influence in my life during some of my major decisions that I have made. May God use this blog to influence the lives of thousands. I will forward them to my youth ministry and people of our church. I truly need it.

    • Scott Pauley on February 15, 2016 at 10:06 PM

      Praying for you my friend. God bless you all. Thank you for taking time to read and be an encouragement!

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