New Blog Series! January 19, 2016

UnknownThe Christian life is not lived one day a week. It is lived every day. Walking with Jesus is not an event; it is a way of life.

Far too much Christianity is reserved for the church house. Christ is relegated to “His day.” We must always remember that Sunday is the Lord’s day, but every day is a Lord’s day.

And every day we are to follow Him.

Scripture reveals a host of “daily” truths for the child of God. These are principles and promises which must be considered every day if we are to please the Lord. In the coming blog series I plan to share one of these each week.

Here are 3 ways to get the most out of each post:

  • Subscribe to this blog to receive an email notification each time one of the posts is published. Click the “follow” button in the right column to sign up now!
  • Take the one “daily” truth found in each post as your challenge for the week. Seek to memorize the Scripture verse and apply the principle to your own daily walk with Christ. Habits are formed over time. Concentration is key. One truth each week. One truth a day. “This one thing I do…
  • Pass it along. Encourage another friend or family member to read the article and join with you in putting the truth into practice.

The first “daily truth” will be published soon! I am excited to share them with you and hope you will join me in applying each of them to your walk with Christ every day.


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  1. Dotjac1 on January 19, 2016 at 11:35 AM

    I would like to receive your new blog. Your sermons and blog posts have always been helpful and encouraging to me in my journey. May God bless you and your family in your new journey. I watch Temple’s livestream and I miss seeing you.

    • Scott Pauley on January 19, 2016 at 11:40 AM

      Thank you. I hope they will be a continued blessing to you.

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