ETJ Beginning Its 5th Year! January 3, 2022

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As I sit alone in my study recording daily broadcasts I am always conscious that people I will never see will listen to them. We broadcast in faith. Solomon wrote, “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days” (Ecclesiastes 11:1). So we keep casting on as many “waters” as possible with the hope that the returns will be eternal.

Broadcasting is the transmission of programs or information by electronic means. Through recent decades those means have changed as new platforms and tools have developed. The important thing in all of them is the content! And I cannot think of content more vital than the truth of Scripture.

One of the Lord Jesus’ foundational parables was about the sower, the seed, and the soils. The story began this way in Matthew 13: “Behold, a sower went forth to sow; And when he sowed…” In Bible days the method of sowing was called the broadcasting method. The sower broadcast in a sweeping motion the seed down each row, in each furrow. Even at the end of a row he would turn and broadcast so as not to miss any area. This is what we are attempting to do through every means we can! I believe in the broadcasting method.

This week we begin our 5th year of broadcasting the Enjoying the Journey program. It has been overwhelming to see how God has touched it and to hear from so many who listen each day through podcast or radio. The thought behind the enjoying the journey emphasis is two-fold:

  • We are literally journeying through Scripture together. Each path takes us through another book, another chapter, another theme, another Bible character, and we trust all of them lead us closer to the Lord Himself.
  • We are learning to enjoy the journey of life by using God’s Word as our guide and coming to know Christ as our Companion.

All of the previous ETJ studies can be found in our archive at New 10 minute episodes go up each Monday-Friday and can be heard using our website player or on any podcast platform. One week from today we begin a brand new study that I believe will help to encourage your faith as we launch into the new year. More on that soon.

Thank you for studying God’s Word with us and sharing it with your family and friends. Our entire team is truly grateful for your prayers and support. May God help you to enjoy the journey with Jesus this year as never before…I hope to meet you somewhere along the way.

Your friend and fellow-traveler,

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