Exciting Days – Our September Itinerary August 17, 2017

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This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).

Not every day is the same. In fact, in itinerant evangelism, every day is different! The schedule changes. The surroundings vary. But one thing is sure: every day is a gift from God, a day to give Him glory.

This is not only true of the “big” days, the public days. It is also true on quiet, hidden days. The Lord works on the most ordinary, mundane days of our lives to fulfill His plan. We often think of Paul preaching on Mars Hill or planting a church in some great metropolis. But what of the days where he simply walked from one town to another? What of the days no Scripture was written and no sermons were given? Even then, God was with him and God was at work.

Trust the Lord and walk with Him every day. So many precious friends have recently said to me that they pray for us daily. Your prayers are not in vain. Thank you! Please pray with us that we would make every day count. Every day with Him is exciting because it is a journey of faith. Following Jesus is the greatest adventure on earth!

We share our schedule each month in the hope that others will help us pray for the meetings. If you will help us pray for “the in between” days as well I would appreciate it so much. Here is our September itinerary…

Sunday, September 3, Legacy Baptist Church, Houston, PA, 10 & 11 a.m., Pastor Mike Clark

Sunday, September 3, First Baptist Church, Belmont, WV, 6 p.m., Pastor Scott McGraw

Wednesday, September 6, Faith Baptist Church, Canoga Park, CA, 7 pm, Pastor Tim Rasmussen

Thursday-Friday, September 7-8, School Revival, Faith Baptist Schools, Canoga Park, CA, Pastor Tim Rasmussen

Sunday, September 10, First Baptist Church, Sophia, WV, 11 am, Pastor Wayne Nutter

Sunday, September 10, Cranberry Baptist Church, Beckley, WV, 6 pm, Pastor Roger Pauley

Monday, September 11, Tent Revival, Franklin Road Baptist Church, Murfreesboro, TN, 7 pm, Pastor Mike Norris

Tuesday, September 12, Atlanta Super Conference, People’s Baptist Church, McDonough, GA, 7 pm, Pastor Dave McCoy

Saturday, September 16, Ohio Valley Youth Conference, Calvary Baptist Church, Portsmouth, OH, 10 am, Pastor Ryan Brown

Sunday-Tuesday, September 17-19, Revival, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Salem, IL, Pastor Paul Frederick

Tuesday, September 19, Pastor’s Fellowship, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Salem, IL, 10 am, Pastor Paul Frederick

Sunday-Wednesday, September 24-27, Revival, Maranatha Baptist Church, Charleston, WV, Pastor Kevan Bartlett

More detail on each of these meetings will be available soon at enjoyingthejourney.org/itinerary or by contacting the host church directly. We would be honored to see you in one of these meetings.

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  1. Art Kavanagh on August 17, 2017 at 1:29 PM

    You are going to be busy. I will be praying for travelling mercies and God’s hand on you as you preach

    • Scott Pauley on August 23, 2017 at 4:42 PM

      Thank you! Grateful for your prayers.

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