Get the Newly Released Gospel Tract! October 6, 2021


It was many years ago when I heard a preacher, who was also a faithful personal witness, say, “I know I’m going to enjoy the destination, but I believe God wants me to enjoy the journey!” Indeed He does. And only Christ makes that possible.

Enjoying the Journey is the emphasis we have placed through our daily podcast, blog, and printed resources. I am excited to share with you a gospel tract that I have recently written under the same title. This newly released gospel tool challenges people to follow God’s Word as the roadmap for time and eternity. 

The gospel presentation explains from Scripture that there are two very different paths that each person will choose to follow. The content is given under three headings:

  • Determine your destination.
  • Discover the companionship of Christ.
  • Decide what you will do at important intersections.

I am personally excited about carrying this new piece of literature with me and sharing it with people along my journey. Perhaps you would like to add it to your gospel resources. It has been beautifully designed and can be personalized for your church if you choose. 

Visit for full details and to order. It is our prayer that God will use the Enjoying the Journey tract to introduce many people to the Lord Jesus Christ and to God’s wonderful way. Thank you for what you are doing to plant the gospel seed. May the Lord give us all much fruit.

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