God’s Word and Work – A Look Ahead January 30, 2021


Every year that I can remember my dad has conducted a special meeting at the beginning of the year for those who labor in our home church. For the last thirty years he has tried to begin with a challenge for those who lead to keep following, growing in their own faith and walk with Christ. Here is an excerpt of what he shared with our church a few days ago:

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he” (Proverbs 29:18). In the first place, the word “vision” as used here has to do with the Word of God. Please notice the rest of the verse: “but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Where there is no open Word of God, where there is no message of life, the people perish, is the primary interpretation of this passage. Vision is actually God’s revelation of Himself, the revelation of divine truth, illumination of His will! We do not have to, nor should we come up with some scheme, program or human strategy for the success of this ministry. No, it is following God as He reveals Himself to us as we study His Word. Vision is not about our goals, our calendar or our desire or plans for another year.

-Pastor Roger Pauley

If 2020 taught us anything it should be that we cannot see what is ahead. God is not looking for planners – He is looking for followers. May God help us all to keep looking in His Word and taking the next step.

We would greatly appreciate your prayers for us as we seek to continue in God’s Word and work in the coming month…

Sunday- Tuesday, January 31-February 2 – Revival, Heaven’s View Baptist Church, Arizona City, AZ, Pastor Darrel Roe (*There will also be a preacher’s fellowship on Tuesday morning.)

Friday-Saturday, February 5-6 – Couples’ Retreat, Northern Kentucky Baptist, Lakeside Park, KY, Pastor Tim Schelling

Sunday, February 7 – Morning and Evening Services, Northern Kentucky Baptist, Lakeside Park, KY, Pastor Tim Schelling

Sunday, February 14 – Marriage Sunday (Morning service only), Cranberry Baptist Church, Beckley, WV, Pastor Roger Pauley

Monday-Tuesday, February 15-16 – Chapel Series, Pensacola Christian College, Pensacola, FL, President Dr. Troy Shoemaker

Friday-Saturday, February 19-20 – Couples’ Retreat, Gatlinburg, TN, Clear Springs Baptist Church, Pastor Justin Pratt

Sunday-Tuesday, February 21-23 – Revival, Faith Baptist Church, Avon, IN, Pastor Marc Monte

Sunday-Tuesday, February 28-March 2 – Revival, Space Coast Baptist Church, New Smyrna Beach, FL, Pastor Dan Cox

Full details on these and other meetings may be found on our website or by contacting the host church.

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