A Full Life » Robert Murray M’Cheyne December 11, 2024

M’Cheyne’s Bible Reading Plan Each year I adopt some plan for my daily devotional reading of Scripture. To be honest, I try to vary this a little each year to keep it fresh. Over the last year, I have been using a plan that Robert Murray M’Cheyne developed for the people that he pastored. It is helpful for several reasons: It leads you through the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice during the year. It gives a variety of Scripture passages to read each day - historical, prophetical, and devotional. It divides the readings into readings for the morning and for the evening. It promotes a reading for private devotions and one for family devotions. It encourages the church family to read through the Bible together. M’Cheyne’s heart was to strengthen families and the church family, while deepening the personal devotion of each Christian. I can tell you from personal experience, that it has been a delight to follow. (Read M'Cheyne's full introduction to his system HERE).  We have decided to make M’Cheyne’s plan available through Enjoying the Journey this year, with the prayer that God will use it to lead all of us to a life full of the Word in the days ahead. Download the interactive PDF. 

A Full Life

Robert Murray M’Cheyne was one of the rare souls who was allowed to live and labor only a few years, but his influence has had a profound impact on believers for generations. Born in Scotland in 1813, he would die before his 30th birthday. Yet there was an eternity of reward wrapped up in that short life.
Many people talk about wanting to live “a full life.” It is one thing to have a life full of days and quite another to have one whose days are full. Only a life full of God can be truly full, and His fulness is not always measured in length – it is measured in depth. Robert Murray M’Cheyne may have died young but his was a full life that went deeply into the heart of God.

M’Cheyne’s Impact on My Life 

Recently I reread a portion of Andrew Bonar’s classic work on the life of M’Cheyne. I would strongly recommend this devotional biography to you. It is full of profound Scriptural truth and practical challenges to greater faith and personal holiness.
As a believer, M’Cheyne motivates me to give time and attention to the secret place and an intimate walk with Christ. Permit me to share his own words and one of my favorite prayer quotes:
“I ought to study Christ as a living Saviour more-as a Shepherd, carrying the sheep He finds-as a King, reigning in and over the souls He has redeemed-as a Captain, fighting with those who fight with me, as one who has engaged to bring me through all temptations and trials, however impossible to flesh and blood. I am often tempted to say, How can this Man save us? How can Christ in heaven deliver me from lusts which I feel raging in me, and nets I feel enclosing me? This is the father of lies again! ‘He is able to save unto the uttermost.’
“I ought to study Christ as an Intercessor. He prayed most for Peter, who was to be most tempted. I am on his breastplate. If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million of enemies. Yet the distance makes no difference; He is praying for me.”

What insight! This spiritual perspective only comes from being alone with God at the throne.

As a preacher, M’Cheyne has stirred me to be sober about the call of God and the care of souls. His admonition to fellow ministers rings in my heart: “Always preach for eternity.” Indeed, he did.
M’Cheyne had tremendous temptations and felt deeply his own weaknesses. He did not live an easy life and it would be false to think that he was a man without struggle. The secret to his full life was in his full consecration to Christ and the fulness of the Holy Spirit.

M’Cheyne’s Bible Reading Plan

Each year I adopt some plan for my daily devotional reading of Scripture. To be honest, I try to vary this a little each year to keep it fresh. Over the last year, I have been using a plan that Robert Murray M’Cheyne developed for the people that he pastored.

It is helpful for several reasons:

  • It leads you through the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice during the year.
  • It gives a variety of Scripture passages to read each day – historical, prophetical, and devotional.
  • It divides the readings into readings for the morning and for the evening.
  • It promotes a reading for private devotions and one for family devotions.
  • It encourages the church family to read through the Bible together.

M’Cheyne’s heart was to strengthen families and the church family, while deepening the personal devotion of each Christian. I can tell you from personal experience, that it has been a delight to follow. (Read M’Cheyne’s full introduction to his system HERE).

We have decided to make M’Cheyne’s plan available through Enjoying the Journey this year, praying that God will use it to lead all of us to a life full of the Word in the days ahead. (Click HERE to download the interactive PDF.)

There is something better than living to be old: it is a life that continues to live and affect other lives. If you want to live “a full life” then fill it with the Word of God and the God of the Word. It will be sure to overflow with blessing for you and many others.

And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever” (1 John 2:17)

FREE download of the interactive "Journey Through Scripture Plan" Robert Murray Mcheyne Bible reading plan

Click to download the interactive “Journey Through Scripture Plan” as a PDF.

*You may want to obtain a copy of our special edition ETJ 2025 calendar with M’Cheyne’s Bible reading plan for each day. It would be ideal to display in your home to encourage each member of the family to be in God’s Word in the new year. These are available for a donation to Enjoying the Journey at enjoyingthejourney.org/donations.)

About Scott Pauley

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