GUEST POST: “A Goodly Heritage” February 8, 2018

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My first guest author this year is my pastor and hero. He has been my best friend all of my life. I am grateful for dad’s testimony of faithfulness. He has lived at home what he preaches at church. As we focus on marriage and family this month I am happy to share with you a few of his thoughts on the home, and pray that they will be a blessing to you as they have been to me…

I grew up in a Christian home and thank God for the instruction and influence of my parents.  Our family really never had much, as far as material possessions, but we were certainly blessed. My father was a preacher and when I was a kid, dad pastored several different churches in a short period of time. As a pastor his monthly compensation included housing. Therefore we lived in church parsonages for most of my young life. It seemed like a blessing at the time, but when my father died at a young age, my mother and younger brother were left with virtually nothing.

Dad was quiet ill and when he died, the hospital staff returned my father’s belongings. In his wallet was his driver’s license, social security card, and his ordination card. There was no cash, but tucked away in a little pocket I found three pennies. My father had worldly possessions, this was all he had. I guess you could say; my father’s “estate” was a grand total of three cents. Afterwards, I told my four siblings that I would not be dividing the inheritance. That’s been 44 years ago this May and I still have those three pennies taped to a page in our family Bible. These pennies are a reminder that “…a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth.” (Luke 12:15)

As a young man I never fully grasped the value of growing up in a Christian home with a mom and dad who truly walked with Lord. My parents lived very modestly, but they were godly people who loved the LORD! They certainly loved each other and their five children. Even though we never had much growing up, I look back now and realize that our parents left us a wonderful inheritance! They gave each of us a legacy that is worth more than any monetary estate. Mom and dad are both with the LORD and one day I will see them again. Praise the Lord for the hope we have in Christ! Until that day I am a beneficiary of my parent’s faithfulness to the LORD.

The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot.  The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage” (Psalms 16:5-6).

I think often of mom and dad, but I also reminisce of the times I was privileged to spend with their parents. My grandparents on both sides of our family were godly people. Neither of my grandfathers were preachers but they were faithful Christians who enjoyed serving the Lord.

God has blessed my wife and I with two wonderful children and now six precious grandchildren. Marcia and I have enjoyed our children at every stage of their life. Even though they are now married with children, they are still our best friends.  While we are enjoying the journey, we are constantly reminded of the responsibility of passing our legacy on to our children and grandchildren.  It is a blessing to see both of our children serving the LORD!  For many years now it has been my prayer that God will allow me to live a life that is pleasing to Him and an example to those who follow me.

Yes, I have a goodly heritage, but I must pass it on!

Watch a special message given to the Faith for the Family Couples’ Retreat here. You can learn more about the ministry of Pastor Roger E. Pauley at

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  1. Pretisia on February 8, 2018 at 10:53 PM

    This post is truly a blessing.

  2. Susie on February 8, 2018 at 11:04 PM

    Scott, you, Stacie and both of your families are so blessed to have your mom and dad. They both have been a blessing to me. Your dad is an awesome preacher and I do believe he and Marcia both live according to God’s word. Many blessing and I will continue to pray for you all.

    • Scott Pauley on February 10, 2018 at 4:13 PM

      Thank you for your friendship to and prayers for our family! God bless you all.

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