How God Used A Christmas Passage To Show Me His Will December 22, 2020


It was Sunday, September 7, 2015. My mind was racing in so many directions. I knew that God was working in my life to show me His will but it still was not clear. After church that afternoon I sat down alone in my study and opened my Bible with no real idea of where I was going to read. I only knew I needed to hear from God.

My Bible opened to the beginning of the New Testament and so I decided to begin in the gospel of Matthew and read until I knew God had spoken to me. Through the genealogy in chapter one. Into the familiar account of the magi following the star in chapter two.

Isn’t it amazing how you can read something hundreds of times and then read it for the first time? God has a way of opening a passage in a definite way when you are living that truth. It isn’t new (because truth is eternal!), but it is fresh. On that day God used the principles found in the story of the wise men following divine leading to teach me the truth of living a “led life.”

You see, I am a planner. Most of us like to think we know where we are going and the best way to get there. Maybe it gives us the illusion that we are actually in charge. But God is not looking for planners; He is searching for followers! HE is the Planner.

There are certain Scriptures that get “assigned” to seasons and are rarely considered outside of those times. The passages regarding the birth of Jesus are a perfect example! For some reason we tend to only visit Bethlehem, follow the shepherds, and consider the Christ child at Christmas time. Yet all of God’s Word is given for our profit at every season (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

And so it was that on a September day God used a passage that I usually only studied in December to help give me direction for the rest of my life. I have never looked at that Scripture the same. Matthew 2:1-12 became one of the mile markers on my journey.

I don’t know where you are along life’s way or what direction you need from the Lord, but I would encourage you to spend some time walking with the wise men. Meditate on these powerful verses. They will show you how to follow the leading of the Lord. The most joyful life of all is the led life!

The final sermon that I preached before going into full time evangelism was from this passage and details six truths God taught me. It is our prayer that God may use it to encourage others.

Click here to watch the full Bible message.

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  1. Philip Ruark on December 22, 2020 at 10:35 AM

    Thank you brother Pauley for this post. We often lose sight of applying this wonderful passage to everyday living.

  2. Tina on January 9, 2021 at 3:15 PM

    Amazing and refreshing to browse through your sight to be filled with the Lord’s Word through an doctrinally sound evangelist!

    • Scott Pauley on January 11, 2021 at 3:10 PM

      Thank you for your encouragement and prayers.

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