How To Make This The Greatest Summer Of Your Life June 21, 2018

How To Make This The Greatest Summer Of Your Life, summer, family time, using your summer

How To Make This The Greatest Summer Of Your Life

Everyone looks forward to summer. Students will tell you that summer begins the moment they are out of school. For adults, summer doesn’t seem to begin until you leave work for that first day of vacation. It means something different to everyone but almost everyone (except for pastors!) will tell you they love this time of year.

Summer is one of the most anticipated and one of the most wasted seasons of the whole year. The warm months are often a time of sloth and spiritual retreat when they could be an opportunity for growth. The vacation mentality too easily permeates every part of our lives and instead of resting we retreat.

Fast-forward three months from today…Where do you want to be spiritually? What shape would you like your home to be in? When the cool air of fall returns what will you wish you had done with the middle of your year?

Allow today to be a new beginning. Make this the greatest summer of your life!

1. Change up your devotional time.

Vance Havner said that a rut is just a grave with both ends knocked out of it – it is death! Start a fresh Bible reading schedule. Choose a special prayer emphasis for the summer. Memorize a passage of Scripture. Do not approach your time with God in a mundane way.

2. Stay faithful to church.

More people drop out of church in the summer than at any other time of year. You should not take a vacation from God or from meeting with His people. Stay active in your local church. Find a church to attend when you are away on vacation. Give priority to God’s work.

3. Seek to reach someone for Christ this summer.

Ask the Lord to give you some soul to bring to Jesus. Gospel opportunities abound in the summer. People are out in their yards and in public places. Every place you go is a mission field and every person you meet is in need of Christ. The most exciting thing you will do all summer is see someone trust Christ as their Savior!

4. Spend extra time with your family.

While the kids are out of school make the most of the time together. Soon it will be gone. Plan a day trip. Eat a picnic lunch. Throw the ball with your son. Ride bikes. Whatever you do, be together! Enjoy your family. Do not allow the summer to be all about you.

5. Get outside.

Our media-driven culture has tied us to the large screens on our walls and the small screens in our pockets. Take a walk. Watch the wildlife. Sit on the porch and watch the sun come up. Enjoy God’s creation.

6. Set some personal goals.

Begin the exercise you keep talking about. Read the book you have just looked at in the last six months. Accomplish something definite.

The Old Testament prophet lamented, “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved” (Jeremiah 8:20). Summer is a time for work. It is a fruit-bearing season that must not be missed. May God help us to be nearer to God and further on our journey when the summer ends than we are today. Make this the greatest summer of your life!

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