Ideas for Keeping Yourself Fresh October 5, 2017


Living on the road can be a challenge. In fact, life itself is a challenge! The duties and demands of every day. The pull and pressure of people. It is so easy for all of us to grow weary…to let our souls grow stale.

How do you stay fresh? Apply these simple ideas today…

  1. Read! Books keep your mind working. Draw from many wells and there will always be a fresh supply of truths to meditate on.
  2. Spend time with those who sharpen you. Recently I had the privilege to spend some time with a pastor who ministered to me. In fact, after a busy season of preaching I actually left feeling refreshed instead of drained! Sincere conversation with a friend will do much to keep you fresh.
  3. Build “down time” into your schedule. Everyone needs time to rest. Know yourself and plan the time needed to sleep and relax. There is no substitute for it.
  4. Meditate on Scripture. There is a strength and a joy that is only found in the Word of God. Take a verse each day and feed on it through the day. One word from God will help to keep your spirit fresh.
  5. Get outside. Our world of technology has robbed us of many things. Not the least of these is the marvel of God’s created world. Just last night Grant and I stood on the back deck of our house and watched a beautiful rainbow form. A walk in the woods, sitting in the sunshine, watching an animal – they are simple pleasures that do something no gadget or device on earth can do!
  6. Develop a hobby. Life needs variety. For some people it is a sport or a collection. My dad spends a great deal of time in public ministry and getting on a tractor out on the farm has become a pleasant distraction for him. Everyone needs something that does not add to their stress or take them away from what matters most. Kept in its proper place a hobby can actually make you more effective in your work.
  7. Stop saying “yes” to everything and everybody. Most of our lives are so full we can barely squeeze one more thing into them…but we try! Don’t overcommit. Every night does not need to be filled on the calendar. Every hour of the day does not have to be strained to be profitable. Learn to say no.
  8. Live one day at a time. Frankly, I can get drained just looking at my calendar. Though we must plan and prepare, it is not healthy to spend today’s energy on tomorrow’s work. You’re not there yet – and you don’t have God’s grace for that yet. Concentrate on what you are to do today. “As thy days so shall thy strength be” (Deuteronomy 33:25).
  9. Tell someone about Christ and what He has done for you. When I share the gospel or give God praise for His goodness I find my own heart reveling in the grace of God again. As you share the Lord with others you will find Him working on both ends!
  10. Work in conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit. In the end, freshness only comes from the very life of God within us (John 7:37-39). Seek to live every day in obedience and submission to the Holy Spirit. He alone can provide the needed strength and joy for each day. Ask Him to fill your life and thank Him in faith for doing so.

A phrase in Psalm 87:7 has taken on special meaning to me over the last year, “…all my springs are in thee.” Life can grow stagnant. Only Jesus is perennially fresh, and only He can keep us fresh.


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  1. W. L. Graham on October 5, 2017 at 9:44 AM

    Helpful insight!

    I could not help but focus on #10 as my mind went to Eph. 4:20 — “…ye have HEARD HIM (compare Jn. 10:4), and have been TAUGHT BY HIM…”. This communication is so vital to the Christian life!

  2. Ariel Ellis on October 7, 2017 at 9:25 AM

    Scott this is Ariel Ellis. You may not remember me, but on February 17th, 2017 you went to a church called Mount Olivet Baptist Church. To do a teaching, you asked for everyone to close their eyes and raise their hands if they wanted to be saved. I was one of those people. I wanted to let you know that i am now getting baptized on October 8th, 2017. All thanks to your teaching.

    • Scott Pauley on October 7, 2017 at 11:45 AM

      I am so encouraged to hear how God is working in your life! Thank you for letting me know. God bless you as you follow Him.

  3. Ariel Ellis on October 8, 2017 at 9:13 PM

    You’re welcome. Also thank you fodr the impact you’ve made in my life.

    2nd Timothy 4:17 “but the Lord still with me and gave me strength” 2nd Timothy 4:17

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