Looking Ahead To May April 30, 2020


Someone said that man plans and God laughs. Scripture says it better, “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). In recent weeks we have all been reminded that we may schedule and plan but the final direction is given by God alone.

While our itinerary over the last days has been totally changed, in many ways, God has opened up avenues of ministry that we could have never foreseen or planned. In the last month I have had the opportunity of preaching and teaching God’s Word about 40 times through either recorded messages, drive-in meetings, or live online platforms. Only the Lord could have orchestrated this and we praise His name!

I am convinced that many of us are seeing more of what could be done with the tools and technology at hand. When the emergency has passed some things will be different. There will be ministry opportunities that previously were not even considered. Let’s all pray for the advancement of the gospel and the building of Christ’s cause!

The month of May will be unusual. As we move forward some meetings could be moved to online or other adjustments made depending on the situation in each state. As of now, these are the meetings that are planned. We deeply appreciate your prayers…

Saturday, May 2 – Online Couples’ Bible Study, Calvary Baptist Church, King, NC, Pastor Kevin Broyhill

Sunday, May 3 – Morning and Evening Online Meeting, Faith Baptist Church, Canoga Park, CA, Pastor Tim Rasmussen

Sunday-Wednesday, May 3-6 – Revival, Maranatha Baptist Church, Princeton, WV, Pastor Marvin Mills

Sunday-Wednesday, May 3-6 – Online Revival, Faith Baptist Church, Spokane, WA, Pastor Greg Boyle

Sunday-Tuesday, May 10-12 – Fresh Start Family Gathering (Outdoor Meeting), Cranberry Baptist Church, Beckley, WV, Pastor Roger Pauley

Friday, May 15 – Evening Meeting, Meadow Bridge Missionary Baptist Church, Meadow Bridge, WV, Pastor Chase Whitten

Sunday, May 17 – Homecoming Sunday, Rose Park Baptist Church, Holland MI, Pastor Robert Pophal

Wednesday, May 20 – Evening Meeting, Roxalana Gospel Tabernacle, Dunbar, WV, Pastor Tom Price

Thursday, May 21 – Online Youth Rally, Worth Baptist Church, Fort Worth, TX, Pastor Tyler Gillit, Youth Director Tony Sengmany

Sunday-Tuesday, May 24-26 – Revival, Royal River Baptist Church, Yarmouth, ME, Pastor Brooks Suttle

Wednesday, May 27 – Online Evening Meeting, Anchor Baptist Church, Burnaby, British Columbia, CANADA, Pastor Ben Turner

Saturday, May 30 – Young Adult’s Conference, Ripley Baptist Temple, Ripley, WV, Pastor Rick Perrine

Sunday, May 31 – Morning and Evening Services, Ripley Baptist Temple, Ripley, WV, Pastor Rick Perrine

For more details on these and other meetings you may visit https://enjoyingthejourney.org/calendar/ or contact the host church.

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Friends From Gath


  1. Rosario Salazar M on April 30, 2020 at 11:56 AM

    Pastor Pauley, cannot wait to hear you preach ing iny home church, Faith Baptist od Canoga park, CA. Amen, for I am already enjoying the journey of the books of Psalm.

    • Scott Pauley on May 2, 2020 at 2:15 PM

      Thank you so much! You have a great church!

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