3 Ways To Use Your Lunch Break For God May 28, 2019

Use Your Lunch Break For God, work, lunch break for Christians

We all love the lunch hour! A few moments of quiet from the busyness of the work day. The halfway point. And, most of all…the food! But have you ever considered how your lunch hour could be used for God? It could actually be the most important work you do all day – and the work that makes all the other work more profitable.

Here are three suggestions:

  1. Use a portion of your lunch hour for prayer. At the very least we should pause to give God thanks for His provision. But perhaps there is a deeper conversation to be had. Lunch is often a time to catch up with friends or conduct business with associates. What if we took a few moments to talk with our greatest Friend and spoke with the One we all actually work for? At times the Lord may call on you to skip lunch altogether and just commune with Him. Fasting and prayer are often connected in Scripture. David said, “Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice” (Psalm 55:17). Don’t just begin and end your day with God, speak with Him all through the day!
  2. Feed your soul as well as your body. The noon meal refreshes us physically and gives us energy for the rest of the work day. Why do we give more attention to feeding our body than we do our inner man? At lunch review what you read from God’s Word that morning. Meditate on a verse of Scripture. You may continue your Bible reading or read something devotional to help get your mind and heart back on spiritual realities. At mid-day we have an opportunity to “reset” our thinking and priorities. It was Job who wrote, “I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food” (Job 23:12).
  3. Look for opportunities to minister. There may be someone who needs real encouragement. A brief visit. A phone call. A letter. Christian fellowship is a way to reach out to those around us. Imagine what would happen if God’s people used their lunch break for the gospel! Remember that the Lord Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the lunch hour and led her to Himself. In the joy of that moment He testified to the disciples, “I have meat to eat that ye know not of” (John 4:32)! Recently some friends and I had the joy of seeing both a waitress and a manager come to Christ in a restaurant where we were holding noon meetings. You never know who God will place in your path, or when.

Make every hour of your day count for the Lord. Your “down” time may actually be the time to step up in your Christian walk. What are some other ways that we could use our lunch hour for God and the advancement of the gospel?

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  1. Josh Reeves on May 28, 2019 at 4:18 PM

    Share the gospel. If only in track form. However don’t leave a track without leaving a decent tip!

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