My Thanksgiving List in One Sentence November 27, 2014


Early this morning, I woke up with one phrase on my mind.  It is repeated often in the Scripture – a familiar refrain.  One psalm in particular uses this powerful statement in every one of its twenty-six verses.  The inspired psalmist begins this way, “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever” (Psalm 136:1).

There it is.  His mercy endureth forever.

Every blessing in my life hinges on that one truth.  Every good thing I enjoy and every judgment I have escaped is summarized in this: His mercy endureth forever.

Take the time to meditate on Psalm 136.  At first glance it seems like a historical psalm.  In fact, it is a deeply personal one.

  • His mercy to me started at Creation and lasts forever (vs. 1-9).   The opening verses take us back to the first moments of creation.  Even then God was thinking of me.  Today is no different.  His mercy endureth forever.
  • His mercy delivered me from my past enemies and will be enough for all of my present and future ones.  The same mercy that brought Israel out of Egypt (vs. 10-15) would conquer all of their enemies (vs. 16-22).  And so it is in my life.  The battles don’t stop, but His mercy endureth forever.
  • His mercy works on my worst day.  Verse 23 declares, “Who remembered us in our low estate…”  Are you there now?  I can hear the thief on the cross cry, “Lord, remember me…”  Can you hear Jesus softly say, “Today thou shalt be with me…?”  He remembers!  Today is a day that He remembers us!  His mercy endureth forever.
  • His mercy protects and provides (vs. 24,25).  All of our safety, mercy.  All of our food, mercy.  All of our supply, mercy.  All mercy.  His mercy endureth forever.
  • His mercy is the story of every stage in the journey.  Psalm 136 is a progression, a series of movements for the nation of Israel.  It is a picture of life.  At every step along the path, His mercy endureth forever.

And so the psalm ends just as it began, “O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth forever” (vs. 26).

This was not just the phrase on my mind this morning; it is the reality of every morning.  And it is not just the truth of Psalm 126; it is the message of the whole Bible.  “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23).

It is my thanksgiving list in one sentence.  I am a hell deserving sinner on my way to heaven with Christ as my companion!  Truly, His mercy endureth forever.

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  1. Marc Cheney on November 28, 2014 at 3:00 PM

    Thank God for His mercy! Thank you for being hidden behind the cross dear friend! May God continue His manifold blessing upon you and your dear family is my earnest prayer.

    • Scott Pauley on December 20, 2014 at 7:30 PM

      Thanks Marc. Hope you all are well. I think of you often and am praying God’s best on you all this Christmas!

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