New Bible App Plan! January 7, 2023

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‘Tis the season for New Year’s resolutions. This is the time when many people decide to change or add something to their life for the coming year. The fact is, many people have already forgotten or given up on their resolutions. So what about you? What is going to change in your life?

As many of you have seen, God has given us the opportunity to publish several Bible study plans through the Bible App. This is another avenue we are using to spread the Truth of God’s Word around the world. We are happy to make available “Meditations for a New Year.” This study is a combination of helpful articles and audio Bible teaching. We trust it will be a help to you.

You can subscribe to the plan here.

God has placed us in this time for a reason. It is our responsibility to seek His direction for the coming year. We pray that you will not simply study with us but that you will follow through with what God puts in your heart to do for Him.

The God of the Bible is the God of new beginning! So, join us as we open God’s Word to discover principles for the year ahead. The New Year is a time for all of us to renew our walk with the Lord. Every move forward begins with one step – take the next step in your journey with Jesus today! Let Psalm 17:4 be your prayer: “Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.” Trust His leading for the year ahead.

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Friends From Gath


  1. Staci Edwards on January 8, 2023 at 7:51 AM

    I would like to follow

  2. Candy Bilstad on January 19, 2023 at 9:18 AM

    I want to join in this plan.

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