One of the great desires that I have is to get helpful resources to those who are laboring faithfully in God’s work. There is no lack of available resources, but there is often a dearth of trustworthy ones. That is why I enjoy partnering with other likeminded ministers to develop tools for Bible study and gospel work.
I am excited to share with you a brand new podcast that has been designed with one goal in mind: to edify and encourage Christian workers.
Each Labor Day my friend Pastor Scott Hooks and I co-host The Rest conference in Hickory, NC. This is not a meeting for preachers to come and take a nap (although that is a good idea!). It is a retreat for preachers and their wives that concentrates on ministering to the minister’s private life. It is designed to help us find rest in the labor – rest found only in Christ. Only as we keep the inner man renewed can the work continue to move forward.
The meeting has been very well attended and many have told us it has been a special refreshment to them. Now, we are taking the content from The Rest conference and passing it on free of charge.
Twice a month a new message from the meeting will be posted. The first one that is now available is one of my personal favorites. Pastor Tony Shirley joined us last year and shared a deeply convicting and helpful truth on “The Difference Between Spiritual Gifts And Spirituality.” It is a message I will not forget and you will be glad you took the time to listen.
Brother Hooks and I are thrilled that we get to pass along much of this content to others. Here are a few suggestions:
- Subscribe to The Rest Podcast on your favorite podcast platform so you do not miss an episode.
- Tell other Christian workers about the new resource so that they can benefit from it.
- Plan to join us September 7-9, 2020 for the next Rest Conference.
You may want to visit our newly designed website: therestconference.com or follow posts on Facebook and Twitter. We are praying that the Lord will use these messages to strengthen His servants for the greatest work in the world.
“And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while…” (Mark 6:31)
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