On Purpose! July 5, 2024

On purpose is a beautifully illustrated book that teaches the truth of Creation, identity, and divine purpose for every boy and girl.

On Purpose!

These are days of immense confusion in our culture. Sin always brings confusion! One of the most devastating consequences of this confusion is its residual effect on the next generation. The ripple effect of error has created a tidal wave of destruction.

Children are now growing up in a world where gender is questioned and identity is lost. When you don’t know who God is you forget who you are. Only the Word of God can cut through this chaos and bring clarity. As a father of three, and now a Papa, I am deeply burdened about the world view that now inundates our young people. In an age of indoctrination we must have a renewed emphasis on sound Bible doctrine.

This teaching must begin at home, and it must begin with children in the formative years. Truth matters and the foundation must be laid early in life.

For this reason, we are happy to begin releasing through ETJ a series of little steps books for young children. The first of these books, On Purpose, has been written by my sister, Stacie Thomas. Stacie has served alongside her husband Ty for many years in church ministry and Christian education. She is a dedicated wife and mother, long time school teacher, and lifelong student of Scripture. Her beautifully illustrated book teaches the truth of Creation, identity, and divine purpose for every boy and girl.

This full-color, hard back book is complete with corresponding Scripture verses for each page and helps for parents and children’s workers. We believe it will be a wonderful resource to point preschool and elementary children to the foundational truths of God’s Word.

You may order On Purpose for your family, church, or school at enjoyingthejourney.org/product/on-purpose/. Bulk pricing is available. It is our prayer that God would use this tool to help advance His truth to another generation of children.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well” (Psalm 139:14).

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