Our January 2017 Itinerary Scott Pauley

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This morning I preached the first meeting of the new year. The Lord’s Word and Spirit was so very precious. Only God knows how many more meetings we will be allowed. “Our times are in his hand.” I want to make every one of them count for eternity.

January 1, Sunday morning service, Clearbrook Baptist Church, Roanoke, VA, Pastor Brian Ratiff

January 3-5, Conference on Revival and Evangelism, Beacon Baptist Church, Raleigh,NC, Pastor Tim Rabon

January 8-11, Winter Revival, Tabernacle Baptist Church, Hickory, NC, Pastor Scott Hooks

January 15-17, Revival, Rosedale Baptist Church, Baltimore, MD, Pastor Scott Tewell

January 21, Youth Rally, Gospel Light Baptist Church, Baton Rouge, LA, Pastor Roger Waggoner

January 22-24, Revival, Gospel Light Baptist Church, Baton Rouge, LA, Pastor Roger Waggoner

January 25, Wednesday night service, Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, Charleston, WV, Pastor Gary Hall

January 28, Regional Prayer Meeting for the Go Reach America Campaign, Buffalo Ridge Baptist Church, Gray, TN, Pastor Jody Jenkins

January 29, Sunday morning service, Pleasant Beach Baptist Church, Elizabethton, TN, Pastor Mark Fowler

January 29, Sunday evening service, Tabernacle Baptist Church, Kingsport, TN, Pastor Cecil Sturgill

January 30-31, Faithful Men’s Revival, Temple Baptist Church, Powell, TN, Pastor Clarence Sexton

Over the next few days we will update the itinerary section of enjoyingthejourney.org with more details on our upcoming schedule. Many of you are very kind to keep up with our family and pray for each meeting. We would be thrilled if our paths would cross with many of you this month…

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  1. Garry Edwards on January 2, 2017 at 11:50 AM

    Do you have an opening in September or October to preach a revival meeting for my church? You can contact me at 601-270-3024 if I do not answer please leave a voicemail and I will call you back

    • Scott Pauley on January 2, 2017 at 12:33 PM

      Brother Garry, It is great to hear from you. Unfortunately, I do not have openings for this year. We would love to be with you sometime. Feel free to email me or call me any time with any dates you would like for me to check. All of my contact information is on the website. Happy new year to you and your family, my friend!

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