Our June Ministry Schedule May 29, 2018

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Hello, praying friends! Thank you for standing with us on your knees. We need your prayers more than ever and are conscious every day that someone is praying. God bless you.

The summer is a busy one. We are taking a few days off the road in the middle of this month for some much needed time away with family. Thank you for your love and support. May God give you and your family the greatest summer ever!

We would love to see you at one of these meetings in the coming month…

Sunday, June 3, Morning Services – New Hope Baptist Church, Madison, WV, Pastor Ray Barker

Monday-Friday, June 4-8, Teen Camp – Indian Creek Baptist Camp, Mauckport, IN, Director Reno Likins

Sunday, June 10, Morning Service – Calvary Baptist Church, Smithfield, VA, Associate Pastor Greg Gray

Saturday, June 16, Youth Conference – Shenandoah Bible Baptist Church, Martinsburg, WV, Pastor Corey Bane

Sunday, June 17, Morning and Evening Services – Shenandoah Bible Baptist Church, Martinsburg, WV, Pastor Corey Bane

Thursday-Saturday, June 21-23, Youth Conference – Faith Baptist Church, Fredericksburg, VA, Pastor Kurt Skelly

Sunday, June 24, Anniversary Sunday Morning Service – Anchor Baptist Church, Massillon, OH, Pastor Mark Jacobs

Monday-Wednesday, June 25-27, Teen Camp – Venture of Faith Camp, Valdosta, GA, Pastor Keith Smith

In addition to these meetings, associate evangelist Chase Whitten will also be preaching in the following meetings:

Saturday, June 2, Youth Rally, Five Forks Baptist Church, Hillsborough, NC, Pastor Austin Brown

Sunday, June 3, “Neighbor Day” Morning and Evening Services – Five Forks Baptist Church, Hillsborough, NC, Pastor Austin Brown

Sunday, June 10, Morning and Evening Services – Cranberry Baptist Church, Beckley, WV, Pastor Roger Pauley

Wednesday, June 13, Evening Service – Cranberry Baptist Church, Beckley, WV, Pastor Roger Pauley

Thursday-Saturday, June 21-23, Youth Conference – Faith Baptist Church, Fredericksburg, VA, Pastor Kurt Skelly

Wednesday-Thursday, June 27-28, Victory Valley Camp, Crawley, WV, Pastor Jonathan Comer

Full details on these meetings may be found at enjoyingthejourney.org/itinerary or by contacting the host church directly.

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Friends From Gath


  1. Terrence McClure on September 26, 2022 at 9:46 PM

    Hello Brother Pauley, I see you were with Pastor Ray Barker on June 3rd for a meeting. I am one of New Hope’s missionaries out in Micronesia and need to know if the church is still open. My correspondence is being returned and the internet says the church is permanently closed. It this true? Terry McClure, Palau.

    • scottpauley on October 2, 2022 at 7:15 PM

      No sir, I have not been with Brother Barker. I believe I am scheduled to be there for a Christmas dinner and service in December but have not spoken to him recently. So sorry.

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