Our November Itinerary Scott Pauley


Would you pray with us for a fresh move of the Holy Spirit in each one of these meetings? I know that apart from the Holy Spirit using God’s Word all of the meetings in the world will never get the job done. We need God! Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday-Saturday, November 1-3, Married Couples’ Retreat – Grace Baptist Church, Middletown, OH (Retreat held in Little Nashville, IN)

Sunday-Tuesday, November 4-6, Revival – Eastside Baptist Church, Greeneville, TN, Pastor David Fox

Monday, November 5, Chapel – The Crown College, Powell, TN, Dr. Clarence Sexton

Wednesday, November 7, Wednesday Evening Service – Lewisburg Baptist Church, Lewisburg, WV, Pastor Jonathan Comer

Sunday-Tuesday, November 11-13, Revival – Bible Baptist Church, Brunswick, GA, Pastor Mike Landrum

Friday-Sunday, November 16-18, Prayer Conference – Eglise Baptiste de St-Augustin, Quebec, Canada, Pastor Guillaume Roy

Sunday, November 25, Morning and Evening Services – Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, Pastor Lee Swor

Monday-Tuesday, November 26-27, Revival – South Branch Baptist Church, Petersburg, WV, Pastor Matt Perrine

Thursday, November 29, Ladies Christmas Banquet (Tammy Pauley speaking) – Faith Baptist Church, Morgantown, WV, Pastor Treg Spicer

Friday, November 30, Rally In The Valley Youth Meeting – Victory Baptist Church, Staunton, VA, Pastor Rader Ogden

More details on these and other meetings may be found at enjoyingthejourney.org/itinerary or by contacting the host church.

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