Partnering with Pastors Scott Pauley


Partnering with Pastors

Evangelists and Pastors have different assignments but they are in the same ministry. Ephesians 4 says that God gave “some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” All of God’s preachers are to preach the same gospel and have the same goal. Pastors are to “do the work of an evangelist” (2 Timothy 4:6). Evangelists are servants who come alongside to help pastors and churches further the work of the gospel in many places. (Read more about their work HERE.)

About a year into evangelism God led us to begin using the Central Missionary Clearinghouse to handle our support and finances. They have been a blessing to us and are a great help to many. In addition to having a local church and home pastor’s recommendation, CMC required that we have a board made up of three pastors. This proved to be a personal help by giving structure for advice and accountability.

The Lord has been so gracious to give me the friendship and counsel of hundreds of faithful pastors. Three of those men serve as Enjoying the Journey Board members. Permit me to introduce you to these good men…

Kevan Bartlett pastors the Maranatha Baptist Church in Charleston, WV.

Pastor and Mrs. Bartlett and Maranatha were some of the first to begin investing in the ministry God has given us. They have a passion to get the gospel around the world and a special love for the beautiful state we are privileged to call home. Kevan Bartlett also serves as a West Virginia State Senator and is a strong voice for righteousness in our region. In addition to his wise counsel, he helps me coordinate our ETJ Young Preacher’s Summits, and I am truly grateful for his partnership. (You may learn more about their ministry and communicate with Pastor Bartlett at

Mark Fowler pastors the Pleasant Beach Baptist Church in Elizabethton, TN.

Mark and Stephanie have been dear friends to me and Tammy since we were students together at Crown College. Mark and I had the privilege to labor together for Pastor Sexton from the time we were young men. It is a joy to see the Lord using him to pastor a dynamic and growing church. They have been prayer partners, supporters, and encouragers from day one. Mark has always given good insight and ideas and has given particular input on so many of our resources. We look forward to hosting an ETJ Bible Conference at Mark’s church in April (You may learn more about their ministry and communicate with Pastor Fowler at

Scott Hooks pastors the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Hickory, NC.

Scott and I had the joy of laboring together at the Temple Baptist Church for many years, and we have always had a kindred spirit. The Lord is using him in a marvelous way to lead the ministry at Tabernacle and we are especially thrilled that our son-in-law Isaac, daughter Morgan, and granddaughter Presleigh are a part of that great work. Tammy and I love co-hosting the REST conference with Scott and Melanie each September. They are real friends and constant supporters of our evangelistic work. (You may learn more about their ministry and communicate with Pastor Hooks at

Our sending church, Cranberry Baptist Church in Beckley, WV, is flourishing and moving forward under the leadership of Pastor Kevin Cormican. Kevin and Melissa have been friends of ours for more than twenty years and it is such a joy to see how God is using them at this season. The church has been so kind to our family and team and it is nice to be home occasionally for a service. We are some of the most absentee members they have! (But on a positive note we tithe and we don’t cause trouble.) We look forward to conducting a Gospel Advance in our hometown later this spring.

God has been gracious to allow us to partner with many good men in the Lord’s work. I love the local church and count it an honor to labor alongside so many of the Lord’s under-shepherds. In many ways, I feel that I am just continuing to do what I did for many years with one pastor, in many places with many pastors – coming alongside to help. And I am grateful for the help these pastors are to us. May God bless them and raise up many more like them in these days.

Related Resource: ETJ Preacher’s Page

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