Created for God’s Pleasure

Do you know why you were created? If you want to find the greatest meaning and purpose for your life, discover why God created you! Scott Pauley as we look at Revelation 4:10-11; 5:11-14!

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A More Excellent Marriage

While 1 Corinthians 12:31-14:1 was given in the context of a local church, the Love they describe ought to characterize every part of the believer’s life. The first, yet often the most neglected place, is in the Christian Home. Join Scott Pauley for this first of 4 recent sessions on “Learning to Love” from 1…

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The Love Test

As we continue our study of 1 Corinthians 13, we are presented with tests for our love. While these tests apply in many areas of life, none to the degree of marriage. Join Scott Pauley for this second of four recent sessions on “Learning to Love” from 1 Corinthians 13.

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Which Line Are You In?

Either you are seeking to have the preeminence or you are seeking to lift up the only One who should have the preeminence – Jesus Christ. You never know how God can use you until you follow after that which is good! These messages from 3 John were given at a special men’s conference, not…

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A True Man

A true man is a man of truth. We are in sore need of true men who will stand for God in obedience and faith. Join Scott Pauley for this first of two messages from 3 John. These messages were given at a special men’s conference, not a Sunday church service. We share them, praying…

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Watchman, What of the Night?

We live in an increasingly dark world. The wickedness around us seems to get worse and worse. Join Scott Pauley as we look at the Christians’ responsibility during the night. This message comes from Isaiah 27.

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The Same Things

We live in a day when many Christians want to do the old things. Some want to try some new thing. But as we look into the Word of God, we find what is needed most – the same things. We must have a renewed commitment to the same truths of God’s Word! Listen to…

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Trusting the Lord for your Future

Why is it that we can trust God for eternity but not for tomorrow? Our God wants to guide all of life; the question is whether or not we will trust Him. Join us for the final message from the life of Joseph!

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Serving the Lord in Your Difficulty

We all experience times of difficulty. There are many reasons for hardship. There are many types of suffering. Yet, no matter what is happening, you can serve the Lord! Joseph served God in his difficulty! Listen to this week’s message from Genesis 39.

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Remembering the Lord in your Temptations

We all face seasons of temptation. The Devil is constantly seeking to destroy God’s young people. We live in a time of rampant immorality and temptation has never been stronger. We look this week at Joseph’s time of temptations as it is found in Genesis 39. Victory is possible for you today!

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Seeing the Lord In Your Past

Are there difficulties in your past that you do not understand? Are there things you wish God had not allowed in your life? The life of Joseph encourages us to move past our past and look to the Lord who is with us! This is the first message in a new series from Genesis 37.…

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The Ministry of Reconciliation

We thought this message from 2 Corinthians 5 would be an encouragement and challenge to many friends. Our work, our labor, our toil – all of it is for the gospel’s sake! This is the great work of God. The Ministry of Reconciliation.

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The Power of the Holy Ghost

Today’s Church is far removed from what God intended. In many cases, the problem is a lack of dependence upon the Holy Spirit. The same Spirit of God that enabled the Apostle Paul to see whole regions reached with the gospel is still available to us! Join Scott Pauley as we look at Romans 15.

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Nothing Undone

The greatest victories come from the fiercest conflicts. Many, however, will never understand true victory because they do not attempt all that God has for them! Do not let this be true of you! At the end of your life, let nothing be left undone. Join Scott Pauley for this message (directed to pastors and…

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Did you know there is a third son in the story of the prodigal son? Who is it? Well, join Evangelist Scott Pauley as he brings part 3 of a series from Luke 15 – his favorite chapter in the Bible.

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Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as he brings part 2 of a series from Luke 15 – his favorite chapter in the Bible.

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This Man Receiveth Sinners

Aren’t you thankful for a Savior who accepts us as we are? He doesn’t require us to get better to come to Him. He comes to us. But always remember: He doesn’t meet us where we are so we can stay there; He meets us where we are to bring us to where He wants…

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Love That Lasts

There is so much confusion about what love really is. God is Love. True love can only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ. Today, we hear the final message from Evangelist Scott Pauley from 1 Corinthians 13:13 on “Love That Lasts.”

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Hope That Lasts

We all have adversity in this life. We all will face tragedy. Where then is our hope found? Where can we look when things around us fall? Scripture teaches us that true hope can only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as he preaches on “Hope That Lasts.”

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Faith That Lasts

In these difficult and often terrifying times, we discover just how little in life endures. This is the time for us to examine our hearts and find what will stand when life seems to fall apart. Scripture teaches us the three things will abide: Faith, Hope, and Love. Today, Evangelist Scott Pauley preaches on the…

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An Excellent Spirit

God’s Word speaks of some who have an “excellent spirit.” What is that the causes some to posses this invaluable trait? Is it something we can work up in our own strength? Listen to Evangelist Scott Pauley describe to a group of young people, what it is to have “An Excellent Spirit” as we look…

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Conquering the Enemy Within

In the Christian Life, there are daily battles There are battles all around us. There are battles we must fight, and there are battle that we must help others fight The greatest battle, however, is the battle that rages within us. There is an enemy within us that seeks to destroy us. Listen to Evangelist…

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The Prayer of Confession

When we think about what our nation needs most we have to look at what God says about the matter. Daniel was a man used of God to carry His Word to a godless people. In Daniel 9, we see one thing that is essential for God’s mercy on a nation…true confession of sin.

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Not Government But God

We all desire to see a great change in our nation. Many believe that their political ideology offers the solution to the issues of the day. However, we must understand that every problem begins with a sin problem. We must further remember that God, not government, is the One who can solve that problem. Listen…

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Happy Homes

If we are going to take our family to the next level, we must learn from God’s Word how to have homes filled with the joy of the Lord. Psalm 128 gives us insight into what a truly happy home looks like. There is no true joy apart from Jesus.

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My Father’s Proverb

If we are going to take our family to the next level, we put be the men that God expects us to be. God has given us all the resources that we need to live as we ought to. In Proverbs 3, God gives us truths to apply to our lives. Join Scott Pauley as…

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Singing Through the Battle

All along the road of life, we will face battles. In our battles, God gives us a song. God uses these battles to remind us of what is truly important. Take the time to watch this message by Evangelist Scott Pauley. God used His Word to help many people through this message from Psalm 127.…

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The Prayer That Touches the World

On this 4th of July, we hope that you will study this passage from James 5 and allow God to use it to make a true difference in your heart. We must pray for our nation! Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this special emphasis.

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What Are We Going to Do?

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given to World Baptist Fellowship Mission Agency in Arlington, TX on Monday evening, August 3, 2020. Join us as we look at 2 Kings 6.

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Why Sodom Was Not Saved

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given at the 2020 annual Capitol Connection meeting at the Independent Baptist Church in Clinton, MD on Wednesday evening, March 11, 2019. Join us today as we look at 2 Peter 2.

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What I Learned from Mr. and Mrs. Job

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given at the 2019 Winter Revival meeting at the Teays Valley Baptist Church in Hurricane, WV on Tuesday evening, February 19, 2019. Join us today as we look at Job 1.

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This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given at the 2019 Winter Revival meeting at the Teays Valley Baptist Church in Hurricane, WV on Monday evening, February 18, 2019. Join us today as we look at Job 2.

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