Certain Women

God wants to use every man, woman, and child for His eternal purpose. God has different roles for each person and longs for you to fulfill your purpose. Join Scott Pauley as we look at this NEW SERIES on Women in the Life of Jesus. This first message comes from Luke 8:1-3.

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The Generation Before The End

We are living in perilous days, but God has not left us alone. He has given us His Word and His Spirit to help us in these last times. Families are under attack, but God can sustain them through the battle. Join Scott Pauley for the first message in a series on Families in Genesis.…

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Have You Joined?

Christ established the church to be much more than a spectator sport. Christ wants churches that are engaged in His eternal work! And guess what? He delights in using the ordinary people! Join Scott Pauley for this first message on “Lesser Known New Testament Christians.” The text is Acts 16.

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Blessed People

In these last days, we are looking for the Lord Jesus. But God wants to bless you while you remain. Do you want more of God’s blessing? Discover the connection between the Book and the Blessing as we join Scott Pauley for this first message from Revelation 1.

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Bereans and Their Bible

How do you approach the Word of God? Do you really know it? In Acts 17, we are introduced to a church that took the Word of God seriously. So must we. Join Scott Pauley for this first message from Acts 17.

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Through the Word

Have you stopped to consider all that we have in the Word of God? It is God’s gift to us. You cannot be all God wants for you to be apart from the Bible. Join Scott Pauley for this opening message from John 15.

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The Evangelist

(Acts 21) Philip’s life was marked by a steadfast commitment to spreading the gospel wherever he went. He exemplifies staying faithful to evangelism at every stage. You may not be Philip, but you can do the work of the evangelist.

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God of Our Fathers

Listen to this introductory message from Exodus 3. This sermon was given in the Sunday school hour to introduce the theme for the Sunday services. It is directed toward fathers, but it is a truth for all people.

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Acres of Diamonds

Are you a contented person? God desires for all of us to rest in His ways. You never know what God has in store for you; you must wait on Him to reveal His blessing. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this 1st message from Hebrews 13.

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Staying Right With God

We all struggle with our flesh. So often we find ourselves falling in the same snares of sin and darkness. How can we stay pure? Is victory even possible? Listen to this message from James 1 to find God’s provision for our weakness.

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Get Your Head Up!

So often, God’s children walk through life with their heads down. The Lord did not intend for us to live defeated lives. God Almighty can lift up your head to see His Divine purpose for you! Listen to this message from Psalm 3.

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Getting Ready for God

God is always working and moving in and among His people. He desires to do a great work in your life. Are you ready? How can you become ready? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this opening message from the Book of Zechariah.

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In The Lord’s School

Matthew 5 is one of the most familiar passages in the entire Bible. Yet, the Lord Jesus is seeking to teach us some marvelous truths in His school. Christ instructs His followers how to be “Blessed People In a Cursed World.” Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as He brings the first of five messages from this…

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Which Disciple Are You?

While all of the the Apostles saw Christ do miraculous things, there is no doubt that Jesus had His inner circle of disciples. These few men were privileged to experience more of Christ than anyone else. Join Scott Pauley for this first message on Jesus’ inner circle from Mark 3.

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Part one of a recent study through the book of Revelation. Allow God to speak to your heart. Today we will look at Revelation 1.

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The Daily Life of God’s People

The Christian Life is not just a one time act of faith, it is a daily walk. If you want to live faithfully, you must live for Christ each day. While most people content themselves to be Sunday Christians, let us determine to be our Saviors true, daily followers. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as we…

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God Speaks through His Creation

God is always seeking to speak to us. In Psalm 19, we see the the ways in which God speaks to us. The most important question is “Am I listening to Him?” What is it that He wants to say to you? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as he brings this first message in the series…

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The Heart of Strangers

This world is not the true home of Believers. We are simply “strangers and pilgrims” on this earth. Increasingly, we see just how volatile and uncertain our world is, and it is time to remind ourselves that we are not of this world. Today, we begin the first of six messages by Evangelist Scott Pauley,…

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Living In the Last Days

We are approaching closer and closer to the appearing of the Lord Jesus! For us as believers, we must be learning to live in these tumultuous days. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as we look at Genesis 49.

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Welcome to the Battlefield

Every believer is engaged in a spiritual battle. However, many believes spend far too much fighting the wrong battles with the wrong weapons. Listen to Evangelist Scott Pauley introduces a 5 part series from Ephesians 6, “Welcome to the Battlefield.”

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Let Me Teach You A Song…

This is the introductory message in a 5 message series. In this message, Evangelist Scott Pauley shows us the “First Song of Scripture” – the song of Moses. Join us as we study in Deuteronomy 31:19. The way God’s people sing is a great thermostat for the spiritual temperature of God’s people. We pray this…

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How Is It with Your Soul?

In this troubled world, it is easy to get frustrated by the trouble around us. Friend, how is it with your soul? Are you troubled by what you see? Does it feel as if revival cannot come? We must remember that revival does not depend on on what our culture is doing, but it depends…

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The Prayer for Wisdom

James 1:1-8. Join us as we look at the first prayer of James: the Prayer for Wisdom. In a world of unlimited information, one thing is lacking – Wisdom! If there was ever a time for God’s people to have the wisdom of God, it is now. We pray that this message will be a…

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The Lord’s Prayer

Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as he show’s us “The Lord’s Prayer” from John 17. This is the first message in the five part series entitled: Christ’s Last Sermon.

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Holy Hallelujahs

As we begin this month, we look forward to Thanksgiving. A day where we ought to remember all the blessings that God has bestowed on us. Today, Evangelist Scott Pauley details to us, from God’s Word, how we can use praise to bring others to Jesus. Join us today as we look at Psalm 150.

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Have You Considered Job?

This Bible message, preached by Scott Pauley, was given at the 2019 Winter Revival meeting at the Teays Valley Baptist Church in Hurricane, WV on Sunday morning, February 17, 2019. Join us today as we look at Job 1.

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