Reigniting The Pioneer Spirit June 4, 2020


Churches are beginning to open back up. Pastors are trying to find some rhythm again. It will take some time to get everyone back and schedules fully normal, but it is a start.

In fact, it is an opportunity for a new beginning! Over the last months I have had the privilege of working with and talking to many pastors who have had to “get out of the comfort zone” and do some thing for the first time. We all have been stretched, and the world should see a difference among the people of God.

Some things should not change. Our doctrine, our commitment to Scripture, our faithfulness to biblical distinctives – all of these must never change.

On the other hand, there are some things in us that should change. As we return there should be a reignited passion for souls, a renewed hunger for God’s presence, and a revived prayer life.

We have been forced out of our “ruts” and this is no time to get back in them. Vance Havner said that a rut is just a grave with both ends knocked out of it! It is death. This is a day for new life.

It is my fervent prayer that both preachers and people will have a rekindled fire at this time.

There is a world of difference between maintainers and pioneers. The first wants to keep the status quo, return to business as usual, but the latter wants to take new ground. Which will we be?

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  1. Stephen Coleman on June 4, 2020 at 8:16 PM

    Amen! We want to take new ground, and have the pioneering spirit!

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