Starting Tomorrow – Sign Up Today! March 17, 2021


For the last several years we have been publishing devotional articles on our website and sending them to friends who were subscribed to the blog. We have tried to share as much of this as possible through social media links. Each quarter we also send a family update newsletter. The truth is that everyone is busy and all of our inboxes can get inundated with emails that are never seen. With that in mind, we are beginning a new system for sharing encouragement each week.

Beginning tomorrow we will send a weekly email called “Helping Your Joy” to all who are subscribed. The idea comes from 2 Corinthians 1:24 where Paul told the believers that he did not want to rule over them, but rather be “helpers of your joy: for by faith ye stand.” There is a definite connection between the faith life and making the journey with joy! Truly my heart’s desire is to be a helper to your joy and an encourager to your faith.

The Thursday email will have a number of features and will link to additional resources that you may find helpful:

  • Excerpts from recent articles published throughout the past week.
  • One article “from the archives” that is pertinent to something going on in our world.
  • A weekly, full-length Bible message from our Youtube channel.
  • An encouraging quote.
  • Our itinerary and news on upcoming events.
  • A highlight from our current ETJ daily podcast.
  • Social media and email links so that we can stay in touch. (We love to hear how God is working in the lives of others!)

I hope this will be something you look forward to receiving each Thursday and that you will want to pass it along to others. We do not want to add to the email you have to wade through! We want to add simple, straightforward encouragement to your walk with the Lord.

If you have not yet subscribed you may do so at The first “Helping Your Joy” will be sent late Thursday afternoon. Please watch for it!

God bless you and your family,

Scott Pauley

Post Author

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