Keep Studying the Bible with Us
Keep Studying the Bible With Us Our mission at Enjoying the Journey is to help people Follow God’s Word and Find Christ’s Joy. This begins with knowing Christ as Savior...
My Hero Behind the Scenes
The greatest heroes often work behind the scenes. They labor where others cannot see and carry burdens when no one else knows. I am increasingly convinced that at the judgment...
Love Is Not Just for Couples!
There are varying expressions of love - friendship love, marital love, love for enemies - but there is only one Source of love, and that is the God who “is...
“Her Mother and I.”
"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" I have asked this question as a minister - but today, as a father, I will have to answer it...
Home Improvement
If you are a home owner you know that there is ALWAYS something that needs to be done! In some ways this physical reality is a picture of its spiritual...
The Greatest Platform On Earth
Each week I stand on some platform to speak to people. A platform is a place that is elevated for the purpose of being seen and heard. It allows everyone...
Taking Your Family To The Next Level
When I was a young man in Bible College I remember Pastor Sexton telling us that as we grew we must always work to bring our families along with us....
Living in Love
This morning Tammy and I had the joy of participating in a special couple's brunch and marriage seminar. Like many other holidays, Valentine's Day provides an emphasis that should be...
5 Books to Read On Marriage & Family (And One I Am Starting To Read)
This week I had the privilege of speaking in a special seminar on the Christian home. The people in attendance were young and old, single and married, people with children...
How NOT To Choose A Mate
When I was a young man someone told me, “Choose only a date who would make a good mate.” That was good advice. A casual relationship can quickly turn into...
Marriage And Friendship
This week Tammy and I are speaking at two different couples’ retreats. It is wonderful just to be together and a privilege to invest in others truth that has been...
My Wife’s Ministry
Our First Valentine’s Day, 1995 My favorite traveling companion is the one that God is allowing me to make this journey through life with. Every place is better with her....
7 Specific Prayers for the One You Love
lt,Tammy and I are on our way to speak at a marriage retreat for the next couple of days. This week is, of course, a special time for sweethearts and...
GUEST POST: “A Goodly Heritage”
My first guest author this year is my pastor and hero. He has been my best friend all of my life. I am grateful for dad's testimony of faithfulness. He...
The Most Important Lessons I Learned in My College Years
A few days ago I had the joy of addressing a group of college students in a local church. There were freshmen and upperclassmen, full of hope and excitement as...
A Simple Idea for Families
Families are busier than they have ever been. One of the most challenging things to do as a spouse or parent is consistently read the Bible with your family. I...
A Word to the In-Laws
I know. The title has real potential. A preacher friend of mine recently said to me, "I have no problem with mother-in-laws. I love my wife's mother-in-law!" (For the record,...
Happy Homes
One of the most wonderful gifts that my parents gave to me growing up was a happy home. Yes, they had rules. No, we did not get to do whatever...
Family Devotions and Spiritual Awakenings
"I will get married in a few months. What advice do you have for me?" Working with hundreds of college students these are words I have heard many times. As...
For Married Couples: Dealing with Difficult Days
Marriage is fun. But not all the time. Newlyweds rarely think of this when they say, "for better or for worse." Every young couple need this understanding and preferably before...
Aquila and Priscilla: A Biblical Marriage
Aquila and Priscilla: A Biblical Marriage God’s design is for families to serve Christ together in a New Testament church. As we find our place in the Lord’s work, every...