Happy Homes February 18, 2015

One of the most wonderful gifts that my parents gave to me growing up was a happy home.  Yes, they had rules.  No, we did not get to do whatever we wanted to do.  But there was never the sense that we were “missing out.”  After all of these years it is the joy of the Lord that I witnessed in my parent’s lives that has stayed with me.

Many years ago Pastor Sexton preached a message titled “Living on the Sunny Side of Life.”  One statement that he made seems especially appropriate today: “Don’t just live on the right side – live on the bright side.”  Christ has designed it so that we can have both!

One of the great misconceptions in married life is that a person’s spouse is responsible to keep them content.  Such an expectation is not only illogical, it is idolatry.  Don’t expect any person to make you happy.  Christ alone can do that.

Happy homes are made from happy hearts – not the other way around.  It is my responsibility to keep my own heart rejoicing in the Lord.  When I do, my marriage and my relationship with my children will be connected to the fountain of joy, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Join us for the Faith for the Family Couples’ Retreat, Thursday-Saturday, February 26-28, 2015, at the Gatlinburg Convention Center in Gatlinburg, TN.  Pastor and Mrs. Sexton and this year’s guest speakers will be a great blessing!  For more information or to register visit FaithfortheFamily.com or call 1.877.MY.CROWN.

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  1. thephillipsinasia on February 19, 2015 at 2:47 AM

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