Word of God

To have the Right View of Scripture, we must recognize that the Bible was not written to reveal things, it was written to reveal God. The Bible is God's revelation of Himself. It was not written to reveal things, it was written to reveal God.

The Right View of Scripture

In John Bunyan's classic book, Pilgrim's Progress, Christian was on a journey to that Celestial City. As believers, we're all on a journey with the Lord Jesus Christ. He's our...

Hear the Word Every Day This Year!

Most believers are content to hear a sermon on Sunday or listen to a preacher a couple of times each week. God designed it that we would hear from Him...

Do You Know the Four Verses?

Recently I was sharing with a friend some of what God is teaching me through Psalm 119 this year. (Read more here.) It has been a joy to study it...
The Authority of the Bible

Do You Really Believe In The Authority of the Bible?

Do You Really Believe In The Authority of the Bible? Few want to talk about it today and even fewer understand it. Yet all of life boils down to authority:...

A Way To Escape

One of Satan's lies is that the besetting sin in your life (you know the one) will always defeat you. "That's just the way you are and it will never...

5 Books to Read On The Book

There is no book on earth like God's Book - it is the very Word of the Living God, and every word of it is for us! I love the...

Wash Your Hands!

How many times have you heard about the importance of hand washing over the last few months? The entire world is being reeducated in basic hygiene that our mothers tried...

3 Things To Look For As You Study the Bible

Are you hungry to know God in a deeper way? We come to know God through His Word - literally, through His words. We believe that the very words of...

What Do You See When You Look In The Mirror?

The Word of God is an amazing book. Only through its divine lens do we begin to see clearly. Without it our view of reality is skewed by sin and...

Our Next Bible Study Series

It is a joy to study God's Word and a privilege to share it with others. More and more people are joining our daily Enjoying The Journey episodes and we...

7 Ways The Bible Helps Your Prayer Life

We all know we ought to pray more. We all want to pray more effectively. Wouldn't it be wonderful if God wrote a manual on prayer? Indeed, He has! God's...

A Fresh Look At Familiar Scriptures

“Why didn’t I see that? Where did that preacher get the understanding of that passage…and how could I have missed it?” Sound familiar? We have all had these questions. Perhaps...
Preaching the Bible, Bible Preachers, preach, preaching, testimony, pastor, missionary, resources for preachers, Scott Pauley, Evangelist

Dear Preacher, Preach In Faith.

Preach In Faith All of us who have preached for any length of time can testify that some things are different every time we stand to preach. The truth never...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Improving Your Devotional Life

Just today over lunch the topic of the devotional life came up. Let's be honest. We all struggle with it. Not just consistency, but truly having a meaningful time with...

A Poem, A Principle, and A Prayer

When I was in college someone gave me a copy of an anonymous  poem about the Bible as God's revelation of Himself. Today we begin a new podcast series called...

Use A Story!

Everybody loves a good story. Some preachers and teachers are known as story-tellers. This should never be our goal. Our mission is to be truth-tellers. However, learning to tell a...
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What I Have Learned About Series Preaching

Evangelists are not typically known for series preaching. For many years I thought that sermon series were basically pastoral in nature. More and more I believe that such preaching is...

A Word for 2018

There is power in one word from God. I hold a personal conviction that the very words and every word of Scripture are given by inspiration of God. They have...

Free Audio Book of Philippians

This months resource is one of my favorites. In fact, it is my favorite book of the Bible! One of my instructors in college said that his favorite book of...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

A Simple Idea for Families

Families are busier than they have ever been. One of the most challenging things to do as a spouse or parent is consistently read the Bible with your family. I...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

A Deepening Conviction

Every conviction in our hearts should grow out of God's Word. With the passage of time those convictions that are founded in eternal truth only deepen. The Holy Ghost confirms...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

12 Minutes A Day

A Christian's relationship with the Word of God does not end with Bible reading, but it does start there. The simple discipline of reading the Scriptures is a powerful resource...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Daily Bread (Daily Living – Part 4)

Confession: I love to eat. Food makes the day so much more interesting. It is one of my favorite hobbies to tour America by restaurant! Most of us rarely go...
why carry a bible to church

Why Carry a Bible to Church?

Why Carry a Bible to Church? My pastor always begins his Bible messages the same way: "Take the Word of God with me please and turn to..."  It is a...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

A Bible Lesson from an Eight Year Old

Road trips are fun.  At least if you make them that way!  This week I drove several hours to speak in a youth rally.  Often I travel alone and have...
The Greatest Method of Bible Study

The Greatest Method of Bible Study

The Greatest Method of Bible Study "I have been reading the Bible but I don't know how to study it. Can you help?" We have all been there at some...