The Need of Every Nation January 16, 2023

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Truth transcends all language, time, and cultural bounds. There are no social, moral, economic, or political solutions to a spiritual problem. Therefore, the only hope of a nation is in what God can do, and the need of every nation is praying Christians.

This may be one of the most politically tumultuous times in modern history. There are many things totally out of our control that are threatening to undo our way of life, especially in America. So what is it that our nation needs most? Praying Christians.

This is not the same as Christian people who sometimes pray; every nation needs believers who can get ahold of Heaven for their own lives, families, churches, and nation. Unfortunately, there are very few such believers.

James 5:16 reminds us that “…the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” This year, will you determine to be the praying Christian that your country needs? Will you seek to please the Lord in all things this year?

The Need of Every Nation Bible App Plan

To encourage you in this area, we have created The Need of Every Nation Bible App plan. It is a five-day plan with key scriptures, devotional content, and personal application. One nice feature of these plans is that you can study through them with your friends/family/church. Encourage others to join you along the way! You can view the instructions here.

We look at current events and get the sense that our nation is coming apart at the seams. The foundations are shaking. What are we to do? The need of our nation is the need of every one of our lives—we must “have faith in God”(Mark 11:22). Begin seeking Him by faith today!

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  1. Raymond Ricard on January 16, 2023 at 8:13 PM

    Dear brother in the Lord,

    Thank you for this urgent reminder of our privilege and responsibility to pray.
    Lord teach me to pray.

  2. Delbert Hawley on January 27, 2023 at 12:21 PM

    Oh Brother Scott thank you so much for the reminder to pray. ministry is a robber of time, time that needs to be directed toward pray especially prayer for our nation.

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