A dear man asked me the other day where we were going next in our “Enjoying the Journey” Bible study. It is a pleasure to walk through Scripture together and to know that many of you are making that journey with us! Here is a brief overview of our next steps…
Today’s episode is very special for a couple of reasons. On one hand, it is a brief footnote to our 19 week study in the gospel according to Mark. In addition to that I share some exciting news about our journey to the Holy Land in 2020. We would love to have you join us as we study the Bible in the land of the Bible! Be sure to listen to “Seeing the Bible Through New Eyes.”
Tomorrow we begin a brief series on “Letting The Bible Live In Me.” We know that God’s Word is a living book (Hebrews 4:12)! Yet too often we fail to allow that life giving power to work in us. My burden is to encourage every Christian to spend time each day meditating in Scripture. There is a power to personal Bible meditation – the power of God’s truth coming alive in us! Please don’t miss these studies over the next couple of weeks.
If people rely solely on a podcast, devotional book, or any other resource to feed them each day they will never become what they could and should be for the Lord. Do not rely on the meditations of others alone. Learn to meditate in God’s Word for yourself and you will find food for your soul.
In June we begin a month long study in a one chapter book…more on that soon. Thanks for listening and passing the podcast along to others. If you would be so kind to share a rating or brief recommendation on the podcast platform that you use it would help us get the word to many more people.
We deeply appreciate your prayers and it is our prayer that you are “Enjoying the Journey.”
Your fellow traveler,
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