The Story Behind the Songs January 17, 2022


Every song has a story. Many times those stories are known only to God, but songs are an expression of the emotions and experiences of the human heart. One beautiful example of this is the Psalms. David’s soul filled with worship on one hand or his troubled mind on the other often found vent in the inspired words of that Hebrew hymnbook.

This is one reason I have enjoyed reading hymn histories. It gives context and a deeper understanding to lyrics that we too easily pass over. (Read the story behind my favorite revival hymn here.) You will discover that the richest songs frequently grow out of broken hearts and difficult circumstances.

Recently I was speaking in Texas. My dear friend Jerry Vargo, who serves in Hammond, IN, was there to share a hymn history in each meeting. What a blessing it was! Brother Jerry loves history and loves the Lord. He has researched the stories behind so many of our favorite songs.

I have asked him for permission to share his compilations with our readers and he has graciously allowed me to do so. These brief articles are well researched from a variety of sources and are not published. I believe they will refresh your heart as they have my own and be a wonderful addition to your devotional time. It is my prayer that the next time you sing these great hymns the words will mean more to you because you know the story behind the songs.

We will begin to post one of these brief stories each Wednesday. Use them in your personal worship and pass them along in your corporate worship. Watch for the first one this Wednesday!

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  1. jimmy w andrews on July 25, 2023 at 3:30 PM

    I plan to read them at nursing home.

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