Why I Am Doing What I Am Doing October 15, 2019


Frequently I am asked if I plan to continue in evangelism, if I want to pastor, or if I miss what I did in the past. They are good questions that all have the same answer. I love what God has given me to do and plan to do it as long as God desires. As I have reflected on the work God has called us to do these are my thoughts…

  • I am doing what I am doing because I want to get the gospel to as many people as possible. I love the work of the gospel.
  • I am doing what I am doing because I want to give my time and energy to getting God’s Word into hearts and homes. 
  • I am doing what I am doing because I want to encourage as many pastors and churches as I can.

But, most of all…

  • I am doing what I am doing because I believe it to be what God has given me to do. 

Motive matters. In the end the only thing that counts is what God wants. We do not choose for ourselves – He chooses for us, and we are called to find His choice and agree with Him.

In my younger years I thought that perhaps the epitome of God’s work, the pinnacle of ministry, was to pastor a church. My dad has pastored the same church for nearly 30 years and I had the joy of working for a true pastor for nearly two decades. I love pastors. But when God says, “Covet earnestly the best gifts” (1 Corinthians 12:31), He does not say that is pastoring; He says it is declaring God’s truth (1 Corinthians 14:1). That work may be done by a pastor, by an evangelist, by a missionary, by any Christian worker!

The “best” calling is not someone else’s calling, it is the call of God upon your life. The highest work is the work God commissions you to do. Find that and you will find peace and fulfillment in your work, rest in the midst of your labor. Do what you do because God said to do it.

The Spirit of God gifts every man differently (1 Corinthians 12:11). He also gives to the church people who are uniquely gifted – but it is all for the same purpose:

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13).

Find your place. Do your part. Never be content with what you have given God but always be content with what God has given you.

If God ever tells me to do something else I want to remain willing and obedient to Him. Until then, by God’s grace, I want to keep doing what He has given me to do. I want to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ and continue on the last order He gave until I hear from headquarters or am called on to report.

The will of God truly does settle everything else in life.

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Friends From Gath


  1. Daniel Jessup on October 15, 2019 at 10:50 AM

    Bro. Pauley, thank you so much for this encouraging post. I believe when you stated, “I am doing what I am doing because I believe it to be what God has given me to do,” that you gave the final answer to remaining faithful to God’s will. Beyond direct revelation given to us by His Word, each one of us has a responsibility to follow His will and stay faithful to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

    I have desired greatly to be a pastor of a Bible-believing church; and I have yearned for God to send me to a foreign part of the mission field to translate the Word of God in order that a Bibleless people group can know Him. There have been a number of retiring pastors and/or churches that have contacted me within the past decade concerning a pastorate. All to which I have declined, and to the amazement of many did not even consider a season of prayer about a decision. Why? When faced with the question or offer, I knew with great confidence that the work or position was not what God had called me to do at that time. I know not what the future holds for us in ministry – it may be Master Ministries until Jesus calls us home. I do know this, if ever He should move us into another spectrum of ministry I will be surprised when He calls us to do so but ready to perform that which He asks. My wife and I remain His servants, and endeavor each day to be faithful to Him. Thank you so much for your faithfulness to do that which God has called you to do, and may your obedience to the Lord yield fruit that remains for eternity my friend.

    • Scott Pauley on October 22, 2019 at 1:04 PM

      A great encouragement! Thank you for your faithfulness. God is using you.

  2. Judy Tuggle on October 16, 2019 at 12:11 PM

    Amen, thank you brother Pauley, I miss seeing you at Temple but glad I can listen to on YouTube

    • Scott Pauley on October 22, 2019 at 1:04 PM

      We miss you all! Thank you for keeping up with us and praying.

  3. Nathaniel Stephenson III on September 1, 2022 at 7:08 AM


    • scottpauley on September 14, 2022 at 2:24 PM

      Thank you dear friend!

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