Your Kids Grow You. May 3, 2022


Last night was a very special night for me and Tammy. For more than twenty years we had the privilege of being a part of the work of God at Crown College. We participated in a host of graduation ceremonies, but it is different when it is your own children.

Morgan, our oldest daughter, has now completed her class work for her elementary education degree. She will finish student teaching requirements this fall and begin the work God has put in her heart to do. Her husband and our son-in-law, Isaac, graduated with a bachelor’s in pastoral ministry and a Master of Ministry.

Lauren, our second daughter, graduated with her two year associates degree. She will be serving again this summer with young people at Camp CoBeAc. To make me feel even older, our youngest son, Grant is fast approaching his senior year of high school!

I told some friends recently that about the time you start to figure out a few things about parenting, your kids are grown. Truthfully, I am realizing that it is not just the kids who are growing. Your kids grow you. Dads and moms grow with their children – or at least we should. They grow up and we grow within.

Your kids grow your prayer life, your faith, your understanding of personalities and gifts, your dependence on divine wisdom, your humility, and a host of other things. Parents are typically viewed as the teachers in the home, and they certainly should be teaching. But I can testify that the Lord has used my children to teach me so much. “Out of the mouth of babes” God often reveals profound truth.

Discerning parents should not only be learning more about their kids; they should be learning more about themselves and about the Heavenly Father. Children are reminders to us of so many great truths. And I am discovering that this process doesn’t end at graduation. Every season of their life is connected to every season of ours.

Yes, God is growing us all. None of us graduate from God’s school; He continues to teach us at every stage in life. Maybe that is why they call ceremonies like the beautiful one we attended last night “commencement.” In some ways I feel like I am still in the kindergarten class of what the Lord has to teach me. 

Soon the kids will be grown but I have so very much still to learn. May God help us all to stay teachable and to keep growing.

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  1. R Paul Johnson on May 3, 2022 at 1:55 PM

    So true and well written.

    I can say from experience that I’ve learned much from/through my kids and much yet to learn.

    I am and desire to continue to “enjoy the journey!”

    Thx Bro Pauley and God bless you

    • scottpauley on May 9, 2022 at 5:40 PM

      Me too! God bless you friend.

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