3 Ways You Can Touch This Generation for God July 19, 2021


God works in every generation. His truth transcends time and His power supersedes spiritual opposition. My hope for revival in our day is not rooted in men – it is rooted in who I believe God to be, and what I believe He can do!

Like most summers, I have spent a great deal of time the last few weeks in youth meetings. Never have I believed this is more essential than I do at this moment. The older I get the more convinced I am that we must reach and teach another generation.

In a host of camps, conferences, and rallies we are seeing God at work in our generation. Young people are open to the truth – hungry for it! Great numbers of young people are professing faith in Christ. We have seen an unusual number of teenagers recently surrender their lives to Christian ministry. The Lord has not forgotten or forsaken this generation and we must not either.

Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace” (Romans 11:5).

Until the last soul is saved and the last trumpet sounds Christ is building His church. The Holy Spirit is on the move and believers must move forward with Him. Mildred Cable, pioneer missionary with the China Inland Mission, said, “God provides the men and women needed for each generation.”

Everyone is not a full time youth director, but we all can be youth workers! Become an intercessor, a cheer leader, and a positive influence for some young person. Could I encourage you to do three things for this generation?

  1. Pray. Ask in faith for the Lord to do big things in the hearts of young people. Pray definite prayers and expect to see God at work.
  2. Encourage young people. Many young men and women are coming back to our local churches right now from special youth meetings. They are full of enthusiasm and someone needs to fan that flame! The night God called me to preach at a youth camp it was an older preacher who said, “Son, if you don’t start serving God now you probably never will.” He helped me. Let the Lord use you to speak courage and good counsel to another young servant of Christ. Kids don’t need to hear us talk about how bad things are in their generation. Speak in faith and hope about what the Lord can do through them.
  3. Pour your life into some young person. Teenagers don’t just need a sermon; they need an example. The initial decision is a starting point but someone must show them how to translate that into a way of life. Identify some young believer that you can help and invest in them. Spend time with them and share truth that God is teaching you. This is how disciples are made!

Let’s do our part to reproduce ourselves and advance the cause of Christ in another generation. God is at work. May God help us to find our place in His work.

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  1. Annetta Small on July 19, 2021 at 2:02 PM

    Good biblical advice. It is such a blessing to invest in the spiritual lives of young people.

    • scottpauley on July 24, 2021 at 8:35 AM

      And the exciting thing is that it is something we can all do!

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