A Devotional Truth for the Evening January 10, 2018


Every close to the day is a reminder that God has not failed or forsaken us. Weariness should remind us that His strength was sufficient. Memories should remind us that His wisdom was perfect. Quiet hours should remind us that His presence was real in the busiest hours of the day.

Evenings are a time to think. To pray. To give thanks.

One of the Old Testament patriarchs had a divine appointment in the evening hours. It was then that the promise came to fruition and he met the wife God had chosen for him. I believe that it is no accident that the blessing came as he meditated alone…

And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide; and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming” (Genesis 24:63).

God speaks in the evening hours. As we reflect, He works. Do not allow yourself to waste the last moments of the day! The Lord is not through with you.

Yesterday I shared a devotional truth regarding the morning. (If you have not read it you may do so here.) In that article we concentrated on the first part of Psalm 92:2, but do not miss the second part:

“To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night” (Psalm 92:1-2).

Personally, when I get tired, I can grow irritable. It is easy in the waning hours of the day to think about negatives or to talk about something that did not go our way. Instead we should concentrate on the faithfulness of God.

  • Write in a journal and list ways in which God was faithful to you that day.
  • Talk with your family about the blessings of the day and give God thanks for His faithfulness.
  • Meditate on some specific attribute of God’s faithful character that is revealed in Scripture.

Do not allow the evening to be about you. From start to finish the day is the Lord’s. Give Him glory.

Someday our last night on earth will come and a new day will dawn. When it does, we will all still be rejoicing in the faithfulness of our God.

For additional help read Making the Most of the Evening Hours.

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