Ministering In A Digital World August 15, 2024

Ministering in a digital world, churches and technology, truth, social media, churches

Ministering In A Digital World

We live in a digital world. Whether we like it or not, most people live online. In a space teeming with filth and wickedness, believers can use these tools to point people to the truth. We cannot control what the world pushes, but we can faithfully declare the truth in a digital age. There is no substitute for personal evangelism, but technology creates an avenue to carry the truth where you may never be able to go. It is a work of faith. It requires trust in God’s promise that His Word will not return void (Isaiah 55:10-12).

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.  Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour” (1 Corinthians 3:6-8).

Let’s look to Scripture. Proclaimers of the truth used places of assembly to spread God’s message. In addition to the common Greek Language and the Roman roads that early Christians used to carry the gospel all over the world, several accounts in Scripture can guide our thinking.

Consider the following examples:

  1. The Lord Jesus Christ began His public ministry in a synagogue (Luke 4) – a place of religious conversation. Religious people need Christ. Many are blinded by false religion. Many others are seeking for the Truth.
  2. Philip preached in the markets and along the journey (Acts 8) – these were places of business conversation. The greatest business is the Father’s business. Work conversations can become gospel appointments.
  3. Paul, in Acts 17, famously preached the gospel on Mars Hill – this was the place of philosophical conversation. People are searching all around us; we must point them to the God who can be known!
  4. Peter and Paul preached before the governing bodies, both Jewish (Acts 4-7) and Roman (Acts 24-26) – these were places of political conversation and judgmentPolitical leaders will rise and fall, but our King reigns forever. There must be great boldness in the face of political power, because we have the truth they need.

Why do we bring up these examples? Because the digital world connects all 4 of these categories: religious, business, philosophical, and political discussions often happen in the digital realm. YouTube, television, social media, blogs, radio programs, podcasts, and other digital avenues have become places for conversation. While there is nothing as effective as personal evangelism, media will influence billions of people around the world, and we must do our best make the truth known.

Technology can be used to make Bible study resources available worldwide, instantly. Articles, downloads, podcasts, video messages, and so many tools can be made available to believers worldwide. Further, the gospel message can be carried over the internet and radio to places you and I may never go. Technology can even take the gospel to restricted nations. Practically, there are many tools to help us find and reach people who are seeking. Technology can be a great resource for keeping up with church needs and opportunities.

A Helpful Resource:

To this end, we want to share a resource with you that has been a tremendous partner to our work at Enjoying the Journey! For several years Cody Stinson and his crew at Media Lifeline have been behind the scenes helping Enjoying the Journey with our website, podcast, and many online tools. They released a new software system called Media Lifeline Pro about a year ago and it has been a great blessing to this work. We use it to handle all our email newsletters, text communications, event registrations, and social media posting. It keeps all our contacts organized so we can get our many free resources to our prayer partners and ministry partners. It has greatly simplified the ETJ team’s lives and helps us to accomplish more for the Lord Jesus. We are excited to see all that God will do with it in your ministry as well!

You can sign up for a free demo and trial here: –

Let us press on in getting the good news to the lost world all around us!

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