A Family and Ministry Update June 20, 2017

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As I write these words Tammy and the kids are with me for a conference with young adults in Florida. It has been such a joy to have my entire family traveling with me this month. The Lord has been gracious to allow us to spend some very special days together and to see the Lord work in wonderful ways.

Yesterday was sweet as we celebrated Father’s Day “on the road.” I love to see Christ at work in and through our children. The Apostle John said it best when he wrote, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 4).

Thank you for praying for our family. The summer is full of meetings, many of them with young people. This is a season of great opportunity to minister to students and we are praying for a harvest of souls.

Details of our July meetings are now available at enjoyingthejourney.org/itinerary. (One additional rally has also been added to the previously released June itinerary as well.) I would like to ask you to join me in praying especially for the last week of July. We will be helping to conduct special evangelistic meetings in Brisbane, Australia and are trusting God to do something out of the ordinary in that needy place. Will you help us pray?

If you would like to be a part of this effort in any way you may email us at scott@enjoyingthejourney.org for more information. Also in July I hope to release a special announcement about some very exciting upcoming additions to the work God has given us to do. Thank you for your interest. Thank you for your encouragement and prayers. Thank you for laboring with us for “the furtherance of the gospel” (Philippians 1:12).

SPECIAL NOTE: An article was published this week related to our upcoming work in the Appalachian region. If you have not yet read it you may do so here. Please help us share it with others!

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