A Guest Post & Special Invitation March 6, 2019


Bob Crichton and I had the joy of laboring together in the Lord’s work for many years. He has been a faithful friend and spiritual counselor to me. Brother Crichton is a Spirit-filled man who walks with God. He has studied for many years the life of D.L. Moody and is full of helpful insights for our own generation. I hope you enjoy his brief post and will plan to join us this summer for an personal look at the ministry of Evangelist D.L. Moody…

For forty years it has been a great joy of my life to study the life of D. L. Moody. I have over one hundred biographies and books about his life. When you study his life there are many entry points.  By that I mean he was a man of diversity. His influence around the world cannot be measured.

One hundred fifteen years after his death his name in Christian circles is still a household name. When you study his life in depth you see God directing him to those who would give him great insight into the Christian life. Mr. Moody through the years would refer to these divine appointments as the “pivotal points” in his life.

What he was able to learn about the Christian life, specifically the Spirit-filled life, should inspire us to do the same. That life is the normal Christian life.  When you study Christian history you will find that D. L. Moody was used to impact the world more than any other pastor or evangelist of his generation. 

The study of his life is so rich and inspiring. After forty years of study I have more interest now, because I can see clearly the “pivotal points” that God used to endue D. L. Moody with power. The real key to Mr. Moody’s usefulness was that once he obtained the Lord’s power, he never lost it. When he died he was at the pinnacle of his ministry.

I would challenge any Christian to study with diligence the life and ministry of D.L Moody. The open secret of his life and power is contained in a statement that Henry Varley made to him. He said, “It remains to be seen what God will do with the man who is fully consecrated to Him.”

Mr. Moody thought to himself, “He said a man; he did not say a great man, nor a learned man, nor a smart man, a wealthy man, but simply a man. I am a man, and it lies with the man himself whether he will or will not fully surrender, by the grace of God I will be that man.” From that moment on D. L. Moody was in hot pursuit of full consecration to his great God.

This statement burned brightly throughout his entire life and ministry.  Because there are so many biographies and books about his life, you will also see clearly how you to can obtain the power of God. The key is to start your own pursuit of full consecration.  Let Mr. Moody’s life mirror to you those “pivotal points” that God used to put him directly under the fountain of power, the complete filling of the Holy Spirit.

Truly blessed,

Bob Crichton

YOUR PERSONAL INVITATION: Join Bob Crichton and Scott Pauley on July 5-6, 2019 as we walk through the life and ministry of D.L. Moody. This special tour of Northfield, Mass. and Mt. Hermon will include a visit with Moody’s grandson, a prayer meeting at the place where the Student Volunteer Movement began, and much more. Read more about this Journey With Moody and email us for details at [email protected].

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  1. Steven Morris on March 13, 2019 at 1:56 PM

    Bro Pauley, I will not be able to come to the July meeting, but I would very much like to be at the pastors meeting in Hickory this September. Could you please send me information about availability and housing.

    God bless you,

    • Scott Pauley on March 14, 2019 at 4:30 PM

      We look forward to seeing you there! The website for The Preacher’s Rest is thepreachersrest.com. It will give you all of the information you need. Please let me know if I can of help!

  2. Dan Imondi on May 1, 2019 at 1:06 PM

    Love Bob Crichton… Thankful for his influence on my life in the few times we’ve spoken in the past…
    Thanks for sharing his post…
    Praying for you!

    • Scott Pauley on May 13, 2019 at 12:13 PM

      He is a great man and has been a real friend to me. God bless you.

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