A One Year Update and A Special Offer June 30, 2021


One year ago we released the first book from Enjoying the Journey, a simple study of Ezra 9 called Revival Praying. The publisher just sent me a report this week that we now have over 7,600 copies of Revival Praying in circulation. To God be the glory! I have been praying this verse in recent days, “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days” (Ecclesiastes 11:1). We are trusting the Holy Spirit to multiply the emphasis and draw many to prayer. The real fruit of the book will not be how many people read it but how many people begin to seek the Lord in a fresh way.

Many of you have ordered the book, shared it with friends, and taught it to others. Thank you. If you would still like to obtain a copy of Revival Praying here are a few suggestions:

I enjoyed recording the audio version of the book. It allowed me to place emphasis that was intending in the writing of it and I would love to share it with you! On this one year anniversary we would like to do something special for those who enjoy listening to audio books…

For a donation of any size to Enjoying the Journey we will send you an access code to download the audio book for free. Here is how it works:

  1. Make your donation online at enjoyingthejourney.org/donations.
  2. Email us at media@enjoyingthejourney.org to let us know you would like to have the audio book.
  3. You will receive an access code to download the audio book on your device.

Our team will do this for the first forty (40) people to respond and I hope many of you will take advantage of it. Thank you for rejoicing with us in how God has blessed and joining us in prayer that many more will enter into the truth of Revival Praying.

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