A Special Announcement From Scott Pauley September 14, 2018


When the Lord led me into evangelistic work one of the great desires of my heart was to help provide resources that would encourage and equip others to give the gospel. My prayer in each meeting is that God will give both new believers and new witnesses who will continue after we are gone. Only He can set things in motion that will last into eternity.

The first resource that I had the joy of being a part of was a special GO Kit designed to train others in the matter of personal witnessing. It has been a joy to hear from many churches who are using this one month Bible study to place an emphasis on sharing the gospel. We plan to publish additional accompanying volumes in the days ahead.

I am now excited to announce the beginning of a new line of gospel and revival resources. Partnering with Faithworks Media we now are able to offer…

Bible Messages

Five recent sermons are now available in cd format. These Bible messages would be helpful to give to those you are trying to reach or teach for Christ. Many times a resource like this can be followed up with a personal conversation. God’s Word does not return void and a simple Bible message can open a door for much more ministry to friends and family. Additional titles and sets will be released periodically.

God has spoken to me personally so many times through a Bible message that someone put in my hands. May God multiply these messages to be a blessing to many people.

Gospel Literature

The Lord has deeply convicted me that so often we have but a brief moment to speak a word for Christ and it is easy to miss these opportunities. Carrying gospel literature is a reminder of our work in the gospel every day. A clear, well designed gospel piece can both plant the seed and water it.

I have just finished writing a gospel tract based on two people who needed a new start. This beautiful tri-fold piece tells the story of Nicodemus, the woman at the well, and the Savior who gave both of them a new beginning. I am praying that God will take this little brochure, Would You Like A New Start?, and use it to the salvation of many souls.

If you are looking for a new piece of gospel literature I hope that you will consider using this tract. These gospel resources are personalized and custom printed at the highest quality.

Our friends and co-laborers with Faithworks Media are constantly investing in the work of the gospel and I am thrilled to work with them. You may access our resources by going to enjoyingthejourney.org and clicking on the Resources slide or you may visit faithworksmedia.com/scott-pauley.

Thank you for helping us pass along these tools and truths to others!

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  1. Bettye Nichols on September 14, 2018 at 8:29 AM

    Scott, you messages are always uplifting.

    • Scott Pauley on September 17, 2018 at 1:41 PM

      Thank you for your encouragement. God bless you all!

      • Paul Olson on January 14, 2021 at 6:29 PM

        Just finished up a revival with Brother Pauley. What a blessing! People were still getting saved after he left. One was my 14 year daughter. Praise God. Make it a point to sit in one of his sermons if you can. Paul

        • Scott Pauley on January 15, 2021 at 8:33 AM

          It was great being with you all and I rejoice in how the Holy Spirit is continuing to work! Happy to hear about your daughter!

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