“After the War We Shall Go to Jerusalem.” April 1, 2022


The life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln have always been of special interest to me. He has been one of my favorite Presidents. A few days ago I read something related to his final night at Ford’s Theatre that I had never come across.

As Lincoln sat with his wife Mary on that fateful night, he began to talk about their life together after the war. Lincoln explained to her that instead of simply returning to Springfield when his time in Washington was over they would travel abroad. The last reported words that he ever spoke were these: “I should so much like to go to the holy land and walk in the steps of the Master. After the war we shall go to Jerusalem.”

I have been pondering those words…after the war we shall go to Jerusalem.

For the last two years we have been working to take a group of folks to Israel. Our family is excited that, God willing, that trip will be made later this year. We still have a few spaces available for this amazing Bible study tour of the Holy Land and would love for you to join us! We will depart on Wednesday, November 30 and return on Friday, December 9. (Full details here.)

Recently the truth came home to my heart – someday, after the war, we will all go to Jerusalem!

We are in a war. I am not referencing the war in Ukraine or any other physical conflict. There is a very real and very intense spiritual conflict raging all around us. But war is not the end of the story. Our Christ is the Victor and soon the war will be over…

  1. After the war there will be a reward. The judgment seat of Christ will be a time of rewarding believers for their service in this world (2 Corinthians 5:10).  
  2. After the war there will be a supper. You have never seen a celebration like the Marriage Supper of Lamb! The table will be spread and Christ will serve as our eternally gracious Host (Revelation 19:6-9).
  3. After the war there will be a reign. Our Savior-King is returning to this earth at the end of the Tribulation age to rule over all. The millennial reign of Christ will be a 1,000 year literal reign of the Prince of Peace over this world (Revelation 20:1-5). When He sets up His kingdom He will change the whole tone of the nations. “And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more” (Isaiah 2:4). No more war! Believers are coming back with Him and authority will be given to those who have been faithful to their Lord. Are you getting ready to rule?
  4. After the war there will be a battle. One final battle remains, but the outcome is already settled. The battle of Armageddon will be the time when our Lord puts down the enemies of God once and for all (Revelation 19:11-21). We will be there, but we will not need to fight. Those who are on the Lord’s side will be spectators as the Righteous Judge accomplishes full victory by the power of His Word.
  5. After the war there will be a city. The eternal home of the church will be a city prepared for us known as the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:2-4). This is what we have to look forward to!

Yes, when the war is over – one way or another – we will go to Jerusalem!

(If you would like to travel to the Bible lands with us this year and study on location please download the full brochure here. For questions or more details please contact Jennie Butler at (843) 345-4441 or jbutler_66@yahoo.com.)

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  1. R Paul Johnson on April 9, 2022 at 7:35 AM

    Amen. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus, but until then strengthen us and empower us to reach others for You!

    God bless you Bro Pauley, your family and ministry.
    Bro Johnson

    • scottpauley on April 11, 2022 at 5:20 PM

      I deeply appreciate your prayers.

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