An Update On Our Daily Broadcast February 19, 2020


It is amazing how sometimes the most far reaching things are the ones we did not plan at all. Several people have asked me recently how our daily Enjoying The Journey programming began. It was not a big idea or some personal vision. Instead, it was the providential work of God. A conversation. An open door. A friend to help. Isn’t it wonderful to watch the Lord at work?

Now after two full years we are thrilled to see the daily growth of listeners both through the podcast platform and the radio audience. Over the last few days we have heard from a number of people who have started to study God’s Word with us and have written to tell us how the Holy Spirit has changed their hearts. “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23).

Yesterday I had a most encouraging conversation with a gentleman who is a chaplain for a prison system in a New England state. They plan to use the daily broadcast as a resource for inmates who want to study the Bible and need to be discipled. Only the Lord knows how He can multiply the work of His Word!

This week we begin part 2 of our study, “Great Journeys of the Bible,” with a look at the journeys found in the New Testament. In today’s episode we travel with the apostles and discover a church on the move for God. I am also extremely excited about a new series that will begin next month…but more on that later.

Thank you for praying for us, listening regularly, and sharing the broadcast with friends. There are many good programs available and this grows primarily through word of mouth. The full archive and links to subscribe are all available at May the Lord help you today to keep enjoying the journey with Him…

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  1. Susie Hall on February 20, 2020 at 8:56 PM

    Yes, yes, yes, so “Enjoying the Journey”. It thrills my heart to see how the Lord uses you which in turn blesses hearts that hopefully go out to tell others of Jesus. The inmates will be so encouraged and uplifted to learn that the Lord will walk with them and can use them wherever they are. Bless you, Scott. Praying for you.

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