As We Begin Our 5th Year In Evangelism December 30, 2019


Life is not a series of endings, it is a series of new beginnings. Five years ago we finished a season of ministry at a wonderful church and college, and began the gospel and revival work that God has given us. Now, we stand at the end of our fourth year and the beginning of another year of ministry. I am more excited than ever about what the Lord has called us to do!

As we begin our 5th year in evangelism here are 5 of the greatest truths God is teaching me:

  1. The Bible is enough. God’s Word speaks to the deepest need of every heart. The Scriptures are all-sufficient in every place, every day. I can testify that Christ’s gospel still has power and the truth really does set us free!
  2. Intercessors are essential. When the Lord blesses the preaching I am conscious that someone is praying. Thank you for praying for those who preach and teach God’s Word.
  3. Revival is possible. The Lord always has a remnant of people hungry for Him and willing to obey. There are stirrings of revival and I have hope in God that He desires to do much more.
  4. The Holy Spirit is at work. In many places, among all kinds of people, we see the Spirit of truth at work. I need His fresh touch every day and am constantly reminded that only He can do the eternal work.
  5. God’s people are wonderful. There is nothing like being in the family of God and no blessing like family fellowship. I praise the Lord for every local church that we have had the opportunity to serve and every pastor that God has allowed us to labor alongside. We look forward to the next stops on our journey.

Tomorrow we will publish our final newsletter for 2019. If you have already subscribed you will receive this year end report as an email. If you would like to receive it you may subscribe here. Thank you for being our faithful friends and prayer partners.

May God’s richest blessings be upon your life in the coming year. This could be the year we see Jesus! At the very least, it should be the year that others see Jesus in us in a fresh way.

Your friend in Christ,

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  1. Yolanda on December 30, 2019 at 11:56 AM

    Your lessons have been a blessing in my life. May God continue to use you migjtly!

    • Scott Pauley on December 30, 2019 at 2:25 PM

      I thank God for that. God bless you!

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