Christmas Evangelism December 8, 2023

Christmas Evangelism, using Christmas to share the gospel, witnessing during Christmas

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.” – Luke 2:20

Every day is a good day to give the gospel. The work of the Christian witness must not be reserved for a single day, limited to an organized evangelistic effort, or confined to one place. Everywhere you go, people need Jesus! There are, however, certain times that lend themselves so naturally to speaking about spiritual things. This is because, not only are believers thinking more about Christ, many unbelievers are as well. Christmas is one of those seasons.

In the midst of all the celebration, even secular people have a sense that there is “more to the story” – and we must tell the story. The greatest story ever told is the story of Christ, and Bethlehem is a good beginning.

How can we use the Christmas season to bring people to Christ?

  1. Use holiday gatherings as gospel opportunities. Many of us will visit with family and friends that we do not see often throughout the year. Most of us will spend time with someone who needs Christ. Look for opportunities to talk about the goodness of God and what Christ means to you. Carry gospel literature with you that you can pass along.
  2. Use your social media as a platform to share Christ. Social media should be used by believers at all seasons to lift up Jesus. Remember that your posts are often seen by people you do not know. Filter your online interactions through the gospel. Would this please God? Will this make others think more of the Lord Jesus?
  3. Use church meetings as open doors to get others under the preaching of the gospel. Some people will come to church meetings at this time of year who come at no other time. Invite neighbors and friends to join you for special Christmas services. Pray for God to speak to them. Introduce them to your pastor and other church members. There is power in the preaching of the gospel and the loving influence of a church family.
  4. Use Christmas cards to deliver the greatest message in the world. If you send Christmas greetings, be sure they are full of Scripture and a testimony about Jesus Christ.
  5. Ask God to use you. Yes, the Lord uses special days, programs, and literature. But ultimately, God uses people. Pray that the Lord will give you divine appointments over the next few weeks. Ask the wisdom, and believe that the Holy Spirit can help you know exactly how to share Christ with those who need to hear.

This is a wonderful time for talking about our Savior! Be a Christmas evangelist. Let’s join the shepherds and wise men in spreading the good news this Christmas.

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