Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes


It Still Works!

Acts 28:17-30
We live in a time of unraveling and confusion. But do to forget that the gospel still works! Christ is still the answer to the problems of man. Listen today for some practical reminders while sharing the gospel.

Friends and Family

Acts 28:11-16
God has so graciously given us encouragers along the journey. You are not alone! Thank God for the faithful fellow-travelers He has given you today, and seek to encourage others along the way.

You Can Pray Anywhere

Acts 28:7-10
No matter where you are today - you can pray! You have direct access to our great God through the Lord Jesus Christ. We have a caring God who is always accessible. Be a person of prayer today!
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The Fulness of God

Ephesians 3:14-21
This week we discover what happens to the believer as they discover all the fulness of God. Join us for part 2 of this study through Ephesians.

Nearing the End

Acts 28:1-6
Today we begin studying the last chapter in the Book of Acts. However, it was just the stepping off point for all God is still doing in this world. The adventure continues! Be sure to join us for today's broadcast.

All Safe

Acts 27:37-44
There is a great difference between those whose confidence is in the Lord and those who trust in man. When storms rage, those who trust in the Lord can rest in Him. Are you trusting Him today?

A Good Ending to A Bad Trip

Acts 27:26-36
We all love a good ending. When you are with the Lord, He always brings you to a victorious end. In today's broadcast, we see how God worked in Paul's storm to bring a bad trip to a good end.

Be of Good Cheer

Acts 27:12-25
In a sad and angry world, God's people can have cheer. You do not need to wait for the perfect circumstances to live a cheerful Christian life; you can find cheer in God's promises and God's presence this very day!

Sail On!

Acts 27:1-11
Along the journey, we will experience storms. Yet, God often sends friends to encourage us, friction to grow us, and frustrations to keep our eyes on the Lord - in the midst of it all, God is still God. Sail on!
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The Fulness of Christ

Ephesians 1:1-23
We are beginning a new study through the Book of Ephesians on "Fulness." The world promises to fill those who are empty, but they only leave the sinner more empty. Christ alone can fill you! Listen today to hear about all the fulness we have in Christ!

All, Almost, and Altogether

Acts 26:28-32
How much do you want to see others come to know the Lord? When we look into Scripture we find that the heart of Christ is to see souls come to Him. Ask God to give you His heart today!

Speak for Yourself – Part 3

Acts 26:23-27
It is not enough for us to share what Christ has done in our own heart, we must bring people to the point of decision for the Lord Jesus. Not everyone will be saved, but all deserve to have the offer of salvation presented to them.

Speak for Yourself – Part 2

Acts 26:4-22
In today's study, we again find Paul sharing his testimony. He introduces King Agrippa to the King of kings. Paul was lifting up the Lord Jesus, and he leaves us an example to follow today.

Speak for Yourself – Part 1

Acts 25:22-26:3
No two people have the same testimony. God has given you your own journey with Christ. Discussing what Christ has done in your life is your most powerful gospel tool! Today we begin our study of several principles for giving your personal testimony.

Answering Hard Questions

Acts 25:1-21
If you are a believer, one thing is certain: you will face hard questions. How do you answer them? You do not need to be afraid, anxious, or ashamed; this is the time to speak the Truth in faith! Speak with certainty for the gospel's sake! 
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Just Like He Said!

Genesis 21:1-8
We live in a hopeless generation. People are lost, searching, and longing for purpose. As long as there is life there is hope! God's Word gives us eternal truth for eternal hope. Listen to this concluding message from the life of Sarah and Abraham.

3 Marks of Secular Thinking

Acts 24:24-27
We live in an increasingly secular world. As followers of the Lord Jesus, we are not to live after the patterns of this world, but after the pattern of Christ. Listen today to discover the difference between the spiritual mind and the secular mind.

The True Way

Acts 24:10-23
There is only one way to God. There are many ways in life; there are many paths walk on. But Christ is the only way of Salvation. Do you know Him? Are you in the Way today?

Cheerful Christians

Acts 24:1-10
We live in a miserable, angry world. But as believers, circumstances do not dictate our joy. Our cheerfulness is not dependent on our surroundings but our inward man. Discover God's manual for cheer in today's broadcast.

Cheer Over Fear

Acts 23:10-35; 24:10
When difficulties arise, we can become tempted to fear. We all have fears - fear of the unknown, loss, or persecution. Take heart! Our great God is with you, and He can bring cheer in the place of your greatest fear.

What to Do Under Pressure

Acts 23:1-10
Life is full of pressure. Amazingly, God accomplishes His greatest work in us through the pressures upon us. Take your pressure to God today and open your heart to all He is seeking to teach you.
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Finding Our Place in this World

Genesis 18:1-33
Have you found your place in this world? Not the geographic place, but the place of God's choosing. Our place is with the Lord Jesus. So, allow God to use His Word to show you your place today.  Join us as we continue our study of Abraham and Sarah.

How to Know God’s Will

Acts 22:10-30
We all face crossroads of decision. If you want to know all God has for you, you must follow His pattern of guidance. Listen today to learn how Paul sought and found the will of God in his own life.

Share Your Story

Acts 22:1-16
The testimony of every believer will vary greatly, but there is one part that will always be the same - a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus. If you know the Christ, share your story today with everyone you can.