Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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The Parable of the Wonderful Father

Luke 15:11-20
The Father in Luke 15 reveals both the tenderness and strength of our God. The real hero in this parable is not the wandering son — but the wonderful Father. Our Heavenly Father is watching for us to come home today!
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Just Like You Are

Luke 15:17-24
The Lord will accept us right where we are, and bring us to where He wants us to be. It is not about our abilities, but what God can do through us when we come humbly before Him. When was the last time you humbled yourself before the Lord?
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Pictures of Grace

Luke 15:11-22
There is no picture more beautiful than the one Jesus painted. What the Lord explained in Luke 15 is the divine picture of the grace of God. Join us today as we study the beautiful restoration between a father and a son.
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For Time and Eternity

Ecclesiastes 3:11
Man is limited by time, but God is far beyond time and in eternity. When God steps in, He can lift us above our surroundings and difficulties to see the eternal. As God's children, we must learn to use our time to prepare for eternity.
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Some Things Never Change

Luke 15:11-19
Some things never change — truth endures to all generations. Come with us as we return to the amazing story of the prodigal and find several things that are always true. Don’t miss the truths the Lord has given to us!
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My Favorite Bible Story

Luke 15:11-24
Do you have a favorite Bible story? As we dive into the story of the prodigal son, we find one of the saddest beginnings and most joyous endings. No matter how far you think you have gone from the Lord, He is running toward you if only you’ll turn toward Him.
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The Seeker

Luke 15:8-10
As we continue studying the parable in Luke 15, we find how the Lord seeks after us. Just as the Lord finds joy in a sinner coming home, we should find that same joy. Look to the Seeker and come home to the Savior today!
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The Shepherd and the Sheep

Luke 15:3-7
No one is more effective at telling a story than the Lord Jesus. Today we come to one of the most famous parables the Lord gave about the lost. Just as the sheep could not find home without the shepherd, we cannot find our way home without our Shepherd.
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There’s No Place Like Home!

Luke 15:1-3
Today we are turning our attention to the book of Luke. As we come to the story of the prodigal son, we realize that the Lord is trying to bring all of us home. Home is wherever God is!
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When You Come to the House of God

Ecclesiastes 5:1
Join us for a brand new Bible series through the little-known Book of Ecclesiastes. This week we begin with a message on "When You Come to the House of God." We trust it will prepare you for for the Lord's Day.

Another Upper Room!

Acts 9:36-43
We come today to another upper room. This room is a beautiful picture of us meeting with the Lord and Him changing mourning into rejoicing. Come with us as we are given several observations and an application.

Just Another Day…

Acts 9:32-35
In Acts 9 we come to a story that appears to be just another day in Peter’s travels. We quickly come to realize, that any day the Lord is at work is not just another day. Join us as we are given several applications for looking at our day through Heaven’s lens.

Edified and Multiplied

Acts 9:31
As we study local churches in the Bible, we find Believers who walked in the fear of the Lord and walked in the comfort of the Holy Ghost. If we want our churches to be edified and multiplied, then we must first be edified. Pray that the Lord will use you in your local church this week!

What About Church Membership?

Acts 9:26-28
There is a difference between attending a church and belonging to a local assembly. So many people view church membership too loosely. Come with us today as we learn what it really means to be a member of a church and the importance of it.

3 Things Every Christian Needs

Acts 9:21-31
The Christian life is not one decision — it’s a journey, an adventure of faith. Along this journey, every Christian needs spiritual resources. Join us today as we find three things we all need to live a victorious Christian life.
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Jesus Filled With the Holy Spirit By John R. Rice

Luke 4:1, 14-25
Did you know Jesus was filled with the Spirit? Are you a Spirit-filled Christian? Listen this week to a rare recording of Dr. John R. Rice preaching from Luke 4. We trust it will challenge you today!

Compassion Makes the Difference!

Acts 9:17-20
You never know what Saul the Lord may bring across your path, but you can begin praying to be like Ananias. He was so filled with the Spirit that he demonstrated the love of God; only divine love can transform hearts so greatly!

Following God’s Promptings

Acts 9:10-17
Have you ever wondered why God chose Ananias at Damascus? While we cannot fully understand the purposes of God, we can understand why this man was usable. Ananias was willing to follow the prompting of the Lord.

Supporting Characters

Acts 9:10-12
Ananias was a supporting character in Acts 9. He has only one recorded contribution in history; yet, we are still talking about him today. He was willing to be a human instrument for the Lord’s work — are we willing to do the same?

Divine Confirmations and Direct Obedience

Acts 9:11-20
When the Lord gives us divine confirmation, we should take the next step in direct obedience. If we want to find the will of God, we first must do the will of God. If you know the next step the Lord has given you today — stop hesitating and follow Him in direct obedience!

Praying Through

Acts 9:3-11
As we study Paul’s journey through the will of God, we find him praying his way through. God’s design is for us to respond to Him in prayer when He speaks to us. Our prayer life should be more than just a momentary conversation — it should be a continual communication.
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Four Things Jesus Left Us

Mark 13:31-37

The Will of God Begins Here

Acts 9:1-6
The will of God begins right where we are with a single step. However, we cannot know His will for our life without our own personal relationship with Him. Pray today that the Lord’s will may be done in your life.

8 Words That Will Change Your Life

Acts 9:1-6
Today we come to Saul’s personal encounter with Christ. And we find eight words that if acted upon will change your life forever — Lord, what wilt though have me to do?