Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Today we are sitting in on a gospel meeting in Cornelius’ living room, as Peter preaches the gospel to him. As he speaks, we hear all three members of the Godhead and see the Trinity at work. Take time today to evaluate how well you know the Godhead.

The Key That Opens the Door
There is a theme that is woven throughout Acts 10 — the importance of prayer. The gospel only advances when we stay in the place of prayer. Prayer is the key that opens the door of faith so everyone can receive the Gospel.

3 Things Every Sinner Needs
The Gospel of Christ is the only thing that can break through the mess our world is in. Cornelius was a religious man, but he was still a sinner living in a sin-filled world. Come with us as we are given three things Cornelius needed that every sinner needs.

Christ’s Gospel vs. Our Prejudice
We all have prejudice but the Gospel breaks through prejudice. Today we find the Lord teaching Peter something about his own heart. We have a similar problem to Peter’s — we’re waiting on God to change others when it should begin in our hearts.

God Is Working On The Other End
As we continue studying the Book of Acts, we see the adventure continuing through the life of Cornelius. The Lord brought this man to Himself and then used him to reach the uttermost. God is working on the other end — let God work in you today!

Seeing God In the Seasons of Life
As we continue our series through Ecclesiastes, we discover more about God's eternal work in our lives. God seeks to work for eternity and in every stage of life. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this message from Ecclesiastes 3.

What More Do You Want?
Often the ones who obey the Father’s law miss the Father’s heart. The eldest son in today’s parable is a picture of the lost. You can be religious but still miss what the Heavenly Father has for you.

Out of Breath and Over the Top
Regardless of who your earthly father is, you have a wonderful Heavenly Father! Today we find Him out of breath and over the top. God the Father is running toward sinners with open arms, ready to embrace them.

The Parable of the Wonderful Father
The Father in Luke 15 reveals both the tenderness and strength of our God. The real hero in this parable is not the wandering son — but the wonderful Father. Our Heavenly Father is watching for us to come home today!

Just Like You Are
The Lord will accept us right where we are, and bring us to where He wants us to be. It is not about our abilities, but what God can do through us when we come humbly before Him. When was the last time you humbled yourself before the Lord?

Another Upper Room!
We come today to another upper room. This room is a beautiful picture of us meeting with the Lord and Him changing mourning into rejoicing. Come with us as we are given several observations and an application.

Just Another Day…
In Acts 9 we come to a story that appears to be just another day in Peter’s travels. We quickly come to realize, that any day the Lord is at work is not just another day. Join us as we are given several applications for looking at our day through Heaven’s lens.

Edified and Multiplied
As we study local churches in the Bible, we find Believers who walked in the fear of the Lord and walked in the comfort of the Holy Ghost. If we want our churches to be edified and multiplied, then we must first be edified. Pray that the Lord will use you in your local church this week!

What About Church Membership?
There is a difference between attending a church and belonging to a local assembly. So many people view church membership too loosely. Come with us today as we learn what it really means to be a member of a church and the importance of it.

3 Things Every Christian Needs
The Christian life is not one decision — it’s a journey, an adventure of faith. Along this journey, every Christian needs spiritual resources. Join us today as we find three things we all need to live a victorious Christian life.

Jesus Filled With the Holy Spirit By John R. Rice
Did you know Jesus was filled with the Spirit? Are you a Spirit-filled Christian? Listen this week to a rare recording of Dr. John R. Rice preaching from Luke 4. We trust it will challenge you today!

Compassion Makes the Difference!
You never know what Saul the Lord may bring across your path, but you can begin praying to be like Ananias. He was so filled with the Spirit that he demonstrated the love of God; only divine love can transform hearts so greatly!

Following God’s Promptings
Have you ever wondered why God chose Ananias at Damascus? While we cannot fully understand the purposes of God, we can understand why this man was usable. Ananias was willing to follow the prompting of the Lord.

Supporting Characters
Ananias was a supporting character in Acts 9. He has only one recorded contribution in history; yet, we are still talking about him today. He was willing to be a human instrument for the Lord’s work — are we willing to do the same?

Divine Confirmations and Direct Obedience
When the Lord gives us divine confirmation, we should take the next step in direct obedience. If we want to find the will of God, we first must do the will of God. If you know the next step the Lord has given you today — stop hesitating and follow Him in direct obedience!

Praying Through
As we study Paul’s journey through the will of God, we find him praying his way through. God’s design is for us to respond to Him in prayer when He speaks to us. Our prayer life should be more than just a momentary conversation — it should be a continual communication.