Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

With Every Breath
Today we come to the final note of the hallelujah chorus! As we study the last verse of Psalm 150, we learn that every person with breath in their body should be praising the Lord. Let your every breath be a praise to God.

Give It All!
One mark of a true child of God is their willingness to give it all to Him, including how they praise Him. The ultimate praise is a full-hearted surrender. Today we learn several applications on how we can give our all to God.

Holy Hallelujahs
In today's study, we discover that Christ should always be the object of our praise. If you want to learn to how praise the Lord, concentrate on who He is and what He has done.

An Interview with Stephen Troell
Today we are airing a very special conversation between Scott Pauley and Stephen Troell. In this never released episode you will get a look into the heart that our dear friend and fellow-laborer had.

Blessed and Blessing
We began this study by studying the blessed man, but Psalm 150 is about blessing God. As much as the Lord blesses us, we should praise Him. This chapter is packed full of principles for praising God

Present and Promised Victory
In the final verses of Psalm 149, we discover that praise brings victory. We are not only offered a present victory, but promised a future victory in the end times. While we will sing the Lord’s praises eternally, we should start praising Him today.

Is the Lord Pleased?
Is the way you live your life pleasing to the Lord? The goal of any child of God should be to please Him. Praise not only brings us joy, but it pleases God.

Real Joy!
In today's study we learn the secret to real and lasting joy. True happiness is always found when God has His rightful place in your life. Joy is just a byproduct of praising the Lord.

The Power of a Hallelujah
Did you know there is power in praise as well as prayer? God inhabits the praises of His people, and there is a definite power that attends the Hallelujah. Join us as we begin our study of Psalm 149.

Be Ye Stedfast
We hope this message by Dr. Lee Roberson from 1 Corinthians 15 will be a help to you. Let us all determine to be stedfast in our risen Savior!

Start at Home
While we have been studying the dimensions of praise, today we come to the fourth and final one… the length of praise. This is not only for everyone, but it is also a praise that should begin in the privacy of our own homes. Start today by singing Hallelujah at home.

Everyone Can Do This
We are all sinners who come to know God the same way, and we should ALL be engaged in praising Him. Praising the Lord is a response to who He is. Take time today to sing Hallelujahs to His name!

Don’t Let the Rocks Cry Out!
The Lord uses contrast in Scripture to teach us that in every extreme, He is God. He is a God that we should want to praise. Realize that God will receive glory, and determine to be the one giving it!

The Connection between Heaven and Home
During today’s study, God connects the Heavens and the home for us. So often we live our lives with our heads down, missing the God that is above all and working through all. We should not be living earth bound lives, but living with our eyes toward eternity.

Hallelujahs In the Home
Are you making your home a place filled with Hallelujahs? While studying Psalm 148, we see that God intended us to apply this Scripture to our lives. Our Christian homes should be a reflection of God’s heart and should be filled with His praises.

Our Greatest Work
As we study the last mention of Philip in Acts 21, we are looking at what is believed to be his greatest work. Although we do not know our own greatest work, we should be living everyday in light of eternity.

The Power of a Praising Christian
Today’s episode is the exclamation point on everything we’ve studied this far on the hallelujah witness! When God’s people start praising the Lord, it touches everyone around them. There is no power like the power of a praising Christian. Would you share the goodness of God with at least one person in the next 24 hours?

Three Reasons You Should Praise God Today
While looking at three reasons we should praise God today, we learn how to truly make a difference in our world. We must be talking about the goodness of God. As we t alk about His goodness, it will open the door for us to talk about His grace.

Making Your “Hallelujah List”
Do you have a praise list? Psalm 147 provides us with a divinely inspired Hallelujah list. Just as the psalmist wrote praises to the Lord, we should be making our own list. Start today using Psalm 147 and then extend your list of praises to the Lord from there.

A Godward Life
Learning to praise God teaches you to live a Godward life. When you are consumed with Jesus Christ, you will want to vocalize His praises to others. He is the only one that is worthy!

The Hallelujah Witness
As we walk through Psalm 147 we learn that the greatest witness is praise. Witnessing is simply praising God to others, and there is nothing more attractive than a joyful Christian. Take the challenge to share God’s goodness with someone this week.

The Holy Spirit and Me
Have you evaluated what relationship you have with the Holy Spirit? As we study in the book of Acts today, we see several definite truths about the Spirit of God. He is always there beside you, wanting to guide your life, but you must completely surrender to Him.

Praising God in the Conflict
Life is full of battles! The most powerful statement of faith a Christian can give is praising God in the midst of conflict. Today we discover several applications of how to praise the Lord…even in the middle of our battles.

Let Me Tell You About My God…
In the first of the Hallelujah Psalms the Psalmist gives an amazing description of God. As we study the title “The Lord my God,” He reveals more of Himself to us. The more the Lord shares with us about Himself, the more we should tell others about our Savior.